
Well, damn. I was hoping we would have gotten a review of the season (series?) finale.

"What can I do to become an American citizen?"
"You're… you're Patrick Stewart!"
"You're in! Welcome to citizenship!"

"I drive, you cook." Abby and Raven, spinning off into their own post-apocalyptic Breaking Bad-esque show, coming this fall to the CW! "Yeah Dr. Griffin! Yeah science!"

I recall reading an interview with him in Entertainment Weekly where the reporter noted he was constantly refreshing a Disqus conversation trying to see if Captain Positive was talking about him yet.

Oh yeah, it IS Wednesday, isn't it.

"Personally, I think Vin Diesel has a real shot at winning an Academy Award for Fast 8," said Diesel. When I asked him why he was referring to myself in the third person, his response was peculiar, but pure Diesel: "No, no, no… I'm talking there about Vin Diesel, the actor. You're interviewing Vin Diesel, the man.

Those two things aren't mutually exclusive here.

That's gonna be really disappointing if it turns out there are, like, four people just asking to have the hurt put on them. I don't like picking and choosing.

Yeah, he's been married to the same woman since 1978. I feel like that's probably evidence… he's almost certainly not gay, but maybe he's had questions from time to time?

This motherfucker INVENTED brisket, bro. That's how talented he is.

I mean, what's he going to say? "Yeah, Mark was alright, I guess."

I'm seeing John Wick 2 tonight with my wife, and I'm afraid I'm going to leave the theater, punch some random dude out, and speed away in my practical, family car.

You want him to have a drummer on his face?


It's his mother's stepbrother's uncle's niece's roommate's father's sister-in-law's great grandmother's name!

Fury Road, Lord of the Rings, the original Star Wars… I really don't get why movies like those can get nominated but comic book movies still can't. It's got to change at SOME point, you would think.

Yep. This is where I'm at with it as well.

I still cannot believe Dark Knight didn't get a Best Picture nomination. Maybe the parallels to Unforgiven will help Logan get over the top here.

Boy, talk about a QB being able to read the defense…

BvS was also overstuffed and heavy handed, with some truly bizarre character/acting choices made, and a laughable plot contrivance or two.