
Jordan Horowitz showed me what might be the first time I've ever seen "furious graciousness" last night. Dude was clearly so, so livid… but instead of stomping around, he fueled it into quickly correcting the mistake that had been made (but man, look at how angrily he rips the card out of Warren Beatty's hands).

The M. Night comment is particularly funny now, since Night tweeted saying he scripted that ending. That tweet may be the best thing he's written since Unbreakable.

I've always thought "The Greatest Game Ever Played" was a really under appreciated little sports film. Paxton manages not only to turn golf into pure excitement, but he also makes Shia LeBeouf 100% likable in the film. It's one of those movies I will absolutely watch anytime I see it on TV. Paxton's ability as a

I feel like such an asshole for immediately thinking, regarding Training Day, "Well they'll just recast the role with Bill Pullman and no one will notice a thing." I get the sense that Paxton would have appreciated such jokes, though, based on everything I've read about the man. He was one of a kind, Pullman mix-ups

Especially since he ad-libbed it, as well.

Has anyone in the last 30 years of cinema done "bug-eyed, bat-shit, and unhinged" quite as well as Bill Paxton?

It'll be like the gag on The Simpsons where the commentary for The Postman is just Kevin Costner apologizing.

There are some truly terrific commentary tracks out there. Honestly, the commentary track for "Superbad" is just fantastic comedy.

You would think that Becca's lab that they found last night would be radiation-proof, right? And if there's anywhere left that they could do some serious indoor farming, you would think it HAS to be there, right? So I have to imagine that, even if they don't do it there, the folks left from farming station could still

Octavia's fake death was so ridiculous, because 1) it was completely telegraphed, and 2) even as it was happening, I just kept thinking to myself, "Holy shit, they're going to go full Aragorn/Two Towers here, aren't they… no, they wouldn't… holy shit, they really are!" And then the horse shows up to wake her up after

Exactly. You can't let people like Kane or Abby off the hook for the ALIE stuff, but hold Jaha responsible for every one of his actions after the fact. He was a victim as well, and as you pointed out, he had a full couple months being actively brainwashed and reprogrammed by ALIE.

See, I didn't so much view Jaha stepping in as a cop out. I saw it more as an example of how over her head Clarke really is, even though she's a strong, competent woman with great natural leadership skills. Jaha, for all of his flaws, has years of experience putting similar leadership skills to practical use and knows

Agreed. And Sean really is a terrific host/interviewer.

Popeyes is so good, you guys. That's really all I came here to say. I'm a late life convert (since I had never tried it until last year) but OH GOD IT'S SO GOOD.

And yes, I am VERY aware of how bad that was.

"Sir, I'm looking for the best stilton. Can you help me?"
"Oh yes, my stilton is VERY gouda."
"…no, that's not going to work, I don't want gouda."

"Hello, my name is Guy Camembert. I'm here to provide you very gouda kasseri-vice."

Couldn't agree more re: the remotes. If Conan decided to ditch the late night thing and just become a travelogue guy, like a comedy answer to what Anthony Bourdain's doing these days, he would be AMAZING. His Korea, Cuba, and Germany specials are so fantastic. I'd love nothing more than to see him just film a series

He's so goddamn quick witted. I know that his style is getting to the point where it's considered "out of fashion" in late night, since he's a throwback to Letterman and Carson, but he's just so good at what he does. This was clearly all completely off the cuff, live streamed stuff… and it's still really, really

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I feel like the cut on his leg would be more likely to get infected since he got sliced by a blade that appears to have been rammed through a presumably diseased, rotting corpse. That cannot possibly be healthy.