I’m glad you figured out a way to still make this about taking digs at me. Appreciate your sincerity.
I’m glad you figured out a way to still make this about taking digs at me. Appreciate your sincerity.
thank you. He certainly wasn’t interested in being involved just two months ago and just wanted to keep working on his Woody Allen movie. This is nothing more than a PR move.
Was this classy too?
Back in November... “I’m hesitant to talk about it now, because I’m here for Call Me by Your Name.”
nah. That dude is a really bad actor too. Time for him to go.
care to elaborate or not really?
I agree with you about Holdo. They basically made her a bitch until pretty much right before her death when she wasn’t. Such a weird decision to do with that character.
she’s probably got good hair
a lot of people hated the movie for a much simpler reason: It had too many competent women in positions of power
you should give this show nothing higher than a C+ until they kill off James. That’s your protest. That dude just KILLS scenes. Bad character writing and bad acting is never a good combo.
I keeping waiting for the day the world’s most famous pizza spot ventures into Manhattan
it’s about time
pretty confident they’re going to turn this into a Walking Dead crossover somehow
I have no idea what’s happening here
to Prince Ruprecht 14=18
I see that people are still thinking this situation is all something to be laughed at. It’s not. And shit like this only helps drive more people to Trump. The lack of awareness on that stuff is mind-blowing at this point. Also:
do you always use terms meant to mock mentally challenged people?
It’s neither funny nor compelling enough to justify the repetition.
I’m aware of what Trump said. He said it out of pure racism. I haven’t disputed that. Here is what I said: