
It’s odd watching you try to die on this hill when you’ve admitted that you used to make out with high school girls in clubs when in your mid-20's. Now I know why you defend Franco so much.

But the problem is that the movie treats Sam Rockwell’s bigotry and violent behavior as minor flaws that don’t need to be corrected.

You’re comin with the deep ones!

Is Die Hard a sandwich?

but it’s not... you just want it to be less

All my mentors have been men.

that’s because it looks awesome as fuck

By contrast, Seth McFarlane thinks mocking ‘white trash’ girls’ names and “We Saw Your Boobs” is the height of hilarity.

so you would prefer your 911 dispatcher to send out group texts in your emergency while the officers then fidget with their cell phones to read the small screen while driving?

by “your experience” you mean justify it when it works best for you and condemn it when it doesn’t. Sounds about right. At least you’re consistently inconsistent.

You’re what’s wrong with America, just so you’re aware.

So you don’t like most Will Ferrell movies either then it’s fair to assume

Everyone here knows you’re a concern troll who picks fights just to feel morally superior.

Yeah, maybe 30 years ago. But with cellular phones? Naaahhh.

The Other Guys is not better than Ted in any realm.

cool story. Good thing I never said they were “exactly the same” as people. Reading is fun.

Yeah, this isn’t cool or funny. They’re right. Police frequencies are pretty fucking important.

the only movie he was good in out of those is Boogie Nights. lol at Fear, Perfect Storm and 2 Guns. C’mon man.

it’s really weird with the royals. They’re figureheads. They do nothing but show up to events for free and then all the media outlets scrutinize their outfits right before they air their anti-bullying PSA.

we do have a celebrity problem