
First, to the commenters who complain they wouldn’t need to tip if employers paid a living wage: Don’t tell Lifehacker; tell your congressman and senators to set the federal minimum wage at a level that allows people to support themselves and their families. That or travel exclusively in Europe where people do make

We tip $5. It’s not the cleaner’s fault that her boss is cheap.

Two things:

I worked in foodservice for nearly a decade...I always appreciated it when customers picked up dropped food, put the salt and pepper shakers back, wiped the table down with their napkins, etc. Some people are just animals; when I was working at Wendy’s when got a couple of buses late in the evening. It was nearly two

I tip because I CAN.

Thank you for this article. My eldest daughter was diagnosed with Aspergers while at school, and although she’s now well into her 30s, the only job she has ever been able to hold down is as a chambermaid.

Let me rewrite your comment for you:

If you can’t take care of your family on $8.50 an hour, you’re just not eating enough dirt!

I tip housekeeping every night I stay at a hotel (albeit not very often). $5 minimum.