Quique Munners

Woah. Who hurt you? I don’t know why you mistook my comment as anything aggressive or contrarian, it really wasn’t the intent and rereading it I still don’t get that sense. The talented part was just my take on her, not meant to contradict yours, since you also said she was talented. The only part I was really

No, she definitely had a moment where she was the next ‘it’ girl and was getting a ton of attention. Then she definitely started doing less press and getting less exposure even if she still kept working. Sounds like a it was a conscious choice on her part and good for her. Not everyone can (or should) withstand that

way more than we needed to know about his sex life. Again.”

“Least racist” implies a level of being racist, just not as bad as I guess other people he associates with. Glad he admits it at least.

What do you want to bet he asked them out and they turned him down? Bet he couldn’t believe they didn’t want to date a Nice Guy like him, either.

No one can actually believe that the likes of the fucking weekend will have the longevity of Pink Floyd.

He’s right about the Palestine too.

He’s right.

If you were raised on jazz or classical or something and have never listened to anything different then sure, I guess I believe you.

But that is what black people think. He is doing stadium tours now, if Pink Floyd ever decided to get back together, it would be huge and sell out everywhere off a 5o year old album. Why do you think people went crazy recently over that Kate Bush song? Because its  new and relevant? or because it still has value and

I think you’re probably an outlier, champ.

he might not be relevant anymore but why the FUCK do we still give Drake the time of day. Dude has a record of texting underage girls and acting like a fucking prick.

Just because you have not heard of him or music does not make him less important to the whole of the music industry. The Weekend is very talented and he can leave a legit lasting legacy.

Dark Side of the Moon sold 45 million copies. The Wall sold about 20 million and you can find t shirts of the band that isn’t relevant in stores everywhere. He is right. 

Is it hating from outside the club if it’s true? He might be less *popular* now, but his best music is still more relevant and important than anything they’ve (especially The Weekend) has put out. KRS-One is the only old head rapper I can think of off the top of my head who continues to actually tour like that, and

His peak popularity has passed. But his body of work will always be more important to music and music history than Drake and The Weekend. Those are just facts. Not even Mr. Toronto has an equivalent to Dark Side of the Moon.

And then they're pissing and moaning about cancel culture 


Masks to hide their identity is for *THEIR* safety (personal or professional). Masks for diseases is for *OTHER* people’s safety, and the ‘other’ is the enemy. Or, as the *REAL* American motto best sums up:

For this they’ll wear a mask; to stop the spread of disease, not so much.