Quique Munners

I think the point is that paying that kind of money for a potentially disposable part seems a bit…generous. I’m guessing Adam is right and it’s bullshit.

And here I’d heard a Lannister always pays his debts.

That’s about 200 characters too long. “I got fired, deserved it, not the company’s fault I’m a racist.” woulda been so much easier.

“My bad on the snarky racism where I told black people to go eat fried chicken and collard greens, because there was a death in my family! Also I’m overweight! LOL not racist!”

I appreciate you replying to dickbags while still keeping them in the grays.

Yes, there was no evidence of this ever happening, the people who are endlessly whining about this don’t even exist and also fuck them. Fuck people who aren’t real that are made up by the Illuminati or whatever.

In this case Arya actually does come closer to figuring out what she wants after screwing someone, which is not unheard of.

There’s not actually much in the text to suggest that Arya is queer. The only argument to be made there would be the fact that she likes wearing pants and fighting, which would be reductive given we also have Brienne who does both of those things and also clearly likes men.

Seriously, she could definitely be bi or pan or “pretty much lesbian but hot for Gendry because FUCKING LOOK AT HIM!”

I don’t hate this idea BUT it kinda betrays one of Brienne’s more interesting tragic character flaws, which is falling in knightly love with unavailable men. Would a shift into bi or pan or homosexuality be a happier ending for her? I don't know. Maybe? But Brienne being who she is would probably fall for Sansa only

It’s also more evidence than the total LACK of evidence that Arya was gay. Asexual? I could see that based on, again, evidence. Arya never showed attraction to another woman. You might as well say that Arya had a sexual fetish for swords. Or murder. She really seemed to be into both!  

I was just reminded of this recently, because I finally finished off the last bunch of episodes of Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas which had been sitting on my DVR since they aired in June of ‘19. HBO was promoting a documentary about the making of the final season of GoT, full of the swagger of producers who don’t know

Personally, I thought it worked great to show a girl/woman can not conform to gender stereotypes without it automatically meaning she’s gay (see also, Brienne).

In the 21st century, queer became increasingly used to describe a broad spectrum of non-normative sexual and/or gender identities and politics.

Okay, but doesn’t “queer” imply she might still be sexually attracted to cis/hetero men?

Did she not watch the episode where Arya was ogling Gendry when he was shirtless at the forge in Harrenhal?

I highly doubt Boebert would open herself and her campaign to discovery. And proving defamation to a public figure like her is a very high bar. I bet the PAC would like nothing more.

Using their own terminology here (not mine)... she murdered 2 kids. And, assuming it’s true, now she’s lying about it. She should go to jail. 

Gtfoh with this bullshit. You know damn well that this story (assuming it’s true) isn’t simply about someone “changing their mind about something.” You also know damn well that if Boebert simply had a “personal opinion” about abortion, there wouldn’t be a problem. Guess what, everyone has a personal opinion about