Also unstated is the fact that she could almost certainly win for performing just by stepping on a Broadway stage.
Also unstated is the fact that she could almost certainly win for performing just by stepping on a Broadway stage.
Not to buy into a straw-man argument, but just to counter a bit of picking I saw on social media regarding how actually impressive a producing win is[.]
This implies that there's another park within the island where you can do sex and the city style adventures which would be both brilliant and hilarious
His career was already in the shitter due to his alcohol & drug abuse, chronic lateness, refusal to learn his lines (necessitating him being fed them through a headset), & assaulting a crew member on one of his sets. But go off I guess.
Voting for fascists to own the libs is a real look.
Are you five years old?
So you changed your political affiliation for petty vindication? Wow.
We aren’t giving him money though.
He will get a percentage of box office
Some actors have “points” systems where they do make a portion of box office proceeds. Just like they don’t make their salaries public, they often don’t make this public. But your ticket purchase is a vote towards using him in more movies. He becomes a more bankable star if he continues to be a lead in high-grossing…
Are you under the impression that our criminal justice system is infallible? Plenty of people are convicted by a jury who are later found to be innocent.
I keep seeing this take everywhere but what exactly do you think she lied about and where is the evidence of it?
Except there isn’t strong evidence she lied in her op-ed - the issue at hand. What we have here is just demonstration that a jury of lay people will reliably buy into misogynist narratives about conniving women and imperfect victims.
What do you think the overlap of “weird nerds who love Elon Musk” and “weird nerds who defend Johnny Depp” is?
When I saw the small image on the main page, I thought it was Howard Stern.
Okay, Boomer.
However, to say that “being woke” tends to be leveraged performatively (simply for people to feel better about themselves) is a pretty mundane truth.
Famous Asshole: “Hey, look at this funny thing I found, 95 million followers.”
Imagine being that rich and that thirsty for attention.