Quique Munners

Damnit! We don’t need “historic votes”, we need to get the job done! Don’t screw this up over theatrics!!!

Well that’s because the CRT bans have nothing to do with CRT. What they really don’t want is to teach anything to do with American history.

You win the prize. It’s just some more bs that they’re dreaming up. They just don’t want our kids learning history. Period. You can’t make this up. 

Do you understand his meaning when used in this context?  Then don’t worry about a medically correct diagnosis.

Lots of mind numbingly dumb comments here. I loved the way Bruce was in this movie and it makes total sense why he wouldn’t put on the fake as fuck playboy character. Never felt realistic in any of the prior movies and I hope every Pattinson batman film continues like this. 

i agree, but also there wouldn’t be an internet if it wasn’t for losers complaining about batman and star wars on it. it’s the backbone!

Yeah they literally had him waddle in one scene

you invented a theory based on your own opinion about a man’s body.

Except “sociopathic” is a recognized word in society, the actual arbiter of what words have what meanings. I don’t want to derail this into a debate about semantics and institutional power, but academic authority can’t actually override how a living language uses words, nor can it invalidate common uses or meanings.

While Nolan’s movies have their faults and have lost a lot of their luster in certain corners of the internet, I think they did the best job (outside of the animated series) of treating Bruce Wayne/Batman as a unified character with a spectrum of behaviors and personality. Bale’s Bruce Wayne (the one he’s with when

I thought The Penguin was comedic.

the crying fanboys are objectively really fucking weird about this. they made it so clear, even before a frame of film was shot, that this was supposed to be EARLY Batman. a version of Bruce who is still young and hasn’t figured it all out yet. a Bruce still primarily operating on grief, not a sense of justice for his

To you, maybe. Seems to have worked for Pattinson, Reeves and millions of others.

it’s pretty straightforward.

It doesn’t even have to be “a show”. Many depressed people are into partying as a way to numb the pain.

Actor had a process he wanted to try and did so. 

That was such an interesting idea that I wish they would have let breathe more instead of Alfred telling Bruce his father was actually a good(ish) guy in the next scene.

You just have to accept Joker as an inevitability.

1.) He’s not just Batman’s best known villain, he’s one of DC’s most recognizable characters. He’s probably up there with Batman himself when it comes to pop culture characters everyone from 3 year olds to 80 year olds know on sight, even if they’ve never consumed a

Something I found very interesting and unique about this version of Batman is that when Bruce learned of his fathers involvement with Carmine Falcone his psyche almost shattered. He had this really interesting moment of questioning his identity that I’ve never seen in a Batman before. He almost dipped into “If that

Congrats, you realized the point, the dude not named “the Riddler” made a shit riddle.