Quique Munners

Cancel culture is getting way out of hand.”

Dehumanizing people because of their innate physical attributes is wrong.

First of all, all you said was that its “ socially acceptable to shit on people who immutable physical characteristics, so long as you pick the right ones?” You made no specification about Japanese culture.

Your comment is just as stupid. It’s not socially acceptable at all, and this has been proven by her getting fired and the people in the comments destroying her for it. Shitting on someone’s physical characteristics is shit not matter what characteristic it is.

and the short dudes who have the most fragile fucking ego about their height.

You should have a brain and logic enhancement surgery, because nothing you say makes any damn sense. Go eat your cereal.

If she’d said tall people should get height reduction surgery, no one would care

Bad take, bro.

People get bone-lengthening surgery. It’s a real thing.
That act that you obviously haven’t heard about it doesn’t make it not real.
This is a thing people do to themselves because they are seen as less worthy humans beacause of their length.

If she’d said tall people should get height reduction surgery, no one would care

I’m not sure “no one would care.” But I do think such comments are more harmful when you have the physical trait viewed as less desirable. Being told you should get height reduction surgery would be less painful, because tall men know they are not generally being judged negatively for being tall.

Hmmm, I dunno if bothsidesism is really going to be the best look for you here

I’m with planehugger on this; saying that a broad group of people should be ashamed of their bodies and seek surgical care to “correct” it is fucking disgusting. It wouldn’t be any different than me going on Jezebel and saying, “Fat chicks are gross, they should all just get liposuction! lolz”

I think a person is being inappropriate anytime they suggest that someone is lesser because of a physical feature, and say they should get painful surgery to fix the supposed deficiency. That goes for the comments here, as well as the (far more common) comments women get about their physical features.

With all the legal scholars who haven’t made inartful tweets and are available to hire in the U.S., it’s too bad that Georgetown Law went with a lesser white male as a senior lecturer. Put an asterisk by his name and leave him in the past.

I think this is right. You can be racist against one ethnicity/race while championing another non-white ethnicity/race, perhaps especially when we’re talking about “model minorities” like people of Asian descent. The hierarchy of races is very real in some (racist) people’s minds.

Republican racism has been showing extra hard since Biden reaffirmed his pledge to nominate a black woman. Susan Collins was on ABC this weekend claiming that Biden had “politicized” the process and it had added to the “perception that the court is a political institution like Congress.” (Spoiler alert that ship

And Joe Biden can’t fuck this up, the talent pool is way too deep

Jezebel fucking hates Ben Affleck and will take any opportunity to let the world know.

I don’t understand picking apart what this man said to make him look bad.