Quique Munners

Gossip columns have always existed. 

I can’t post the link but new Gawker had a piece on it a few days ago. It sounds like they simultaneously got rid of a bunch of people and wanted more content produced? Meanwhile Rich is still here writing really long boring pieces on stuff no one cares about.

We might all need to re-evaluate our lives if we consider this news. I include myself in this for clicking on this & making this comment 

I’m convinced now that the Jezebel staff has some sort of crush on Pete Davidson. 

I don’t see any of the big name players hyping crypto without additional revenue directly tied in their endorsement. Also, until you’re ready to cash out of a scheme where you rob Peter to pay Paul, you really, really, really have to keep pulling Peters.

All 15 cents????  Are you crazy-ye???? 

Take your gotdamn star.

“N.O.R.E, can you get people to love me again? You can? Great! Who is this? This is Ye. Hello? I’ll meet you at Rothko Chapel with the details. I’ll be wearing the Ricky Schroeder mask and mangos on my feet so no one notices me.” 

Honestly, I have no idea what your talking about here or what point you’re trying to make.
I mean, I recognize the words you’re using but not the order in which they are placed.
And I’m okay with that! I have a feeling I don’t really want to know what point you’re trying to make, because it sounds a lot like you’re

Oh gosh you called me moron. Guess you win the internet today. Hope you feel like a big man.

So what you’re saying is that, because Dave refuses to make jokes about his religion (Islam), he shouldn’t be taken seriously.

cancelling this event just means less money for the school and ultimately doesn’t really accomplish anything.”

Not trying to be mean but that’s not how bigots work. They don’t just go “oh, look, you’re a person too”.

Why should anyone at all have a dialog with this man? Of whom is he representative? Transphobes?

Did his dad put out a video of audience members not laughing at his jokes?

Every single stupid “hOw To GeT rIcH lIkE i DiD” article has some kind of “GOTCHA!”, like “It’s easy! You just have to eliminate unnecessary expenses: I was able to buy a house in NYC at 25 by living at the luxury hotel my family owns! Sacrifice pays off!” or “It’s easy! You just need a side hustle: I paid cash for

If you want to get rich, take the $500K, find a good deal on a rental property, buy it, and rent it out. When you’ve earned enough profit, find a good deal on another rental property, use those profits to buy it, and rent it out. And so on. Eventually you have the kind of money for which financial services companies 

You both sit down, order drinks, and the first piece of advice he gives you: anytime someone offers you $500,000, take it. You hang your head in shame.

I don’t care if the dinner was with Buffett, you’re not going to be able to do anything someone tells you without capital. Take the money and hit up a financial planner.