Quique Munners

I’d estimate that somewhere in the ballpark of 100% of all sports talk shows would fire a guy who’s posting videos of himself with “some drinks, some weed and some strippers.” It’s just that most sports talk show hosts, as dumb as some of them may be, aren’t dumb enough to do that. It doesn’t matter even a little bit

It’s her world we’re just living in it.

I’ve never seen an article so at odds with its own headline.

I mean, “Olivia Munn and John Mullaney" sure makes a helluva lot more sense than “Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles”, that’s for sure...

It seems as though a great many people in power in the US very much want it to be 1953.

2.5lbs to 15lbs? That’s a terrible range for that price. WTH

2.5lbs to 15lbs? That’s a terrible range for that price. WTH

I’m out.

If you gave me 100 chances to guess what Busta Rhymes’ real first name is, Trevor wouldn’t have come up.

Oh Trevor, you misguided soul. 

He may have grown up in a modest home, but you can’t deny he had great seats for Bears games.

who just want to hear Taylor say “fuck” over some sad guitar sounds

Didn’t a bunch of us say something similar at the time as well?

Bitch, please! Everyone, including your employer, saw what you did and who you are. I wouldn’t give Bari Weiss a jar of urine to douse herself if she were on fire so I am certainly not going to listen to her podcast to find that she didn’t ask the simple question: he asked you to put your dog on a leash, why didn’t

Context is also important though, and Magic completely revolutionized the position.

The part of my brain that controls my nightmares thanks you for that image.

We are talking Donald Trump in a thong ugly

Easily the lamest shit I’ve ever seen a professional athlete do. 

If we’re talking donations, education and social justice initiatives, that will be an even uglier comparison than on the court.

You know, I know, and Paul Pierce knows that’s bullshit.  Paul Pierce is click bait.  

The sourest case of sour grapes.