
It’s a Nintendo game. None of that has any place in a Nintendo game. Mario Party, ok, that can break down into actual physical violence, but this isn’t Mario Party.

Exactly in that first video she looks scared, that’s already wrong

Kind of like how Drew Barrymore got the top billing in Scream and then she dies in the first 10 minutes of the movie? I would be fine with that.

and she’s white... -_-

Agreed. I really wish they had cast Rila Fukushima as the Major. So pissed because I loved Ghost in the Shell and Stand Alone Complex.

Yup. I had been SUPER excited to hear this was in production, but then when the casting came out? Bye.

Still not feeling ScarJo as Major Kusanagi. She just doesn’t have the attitude and body language for it.

Still pissed about the whitewashing. Pass.

I think 2/10 is being generous also. The posts have ceased to be entertaining and are now just confusing and dumb.

So you put the entire burden of communicated intimacy and sexuality on your partner? Not sure that’s being a good partner or particularly great for a long term relationship.

Let’s all kindly remember who their customer base is now: middle aged traditional Southern and Midwestern white women.

Sure “nice” people can be monsters, but that doesn’t mean we should all speculate wildly and pass judgment on people based on a blind item that leaves out key information. People are already deciding that they’ve always hated Martin Sheen and RDJ and Tom Hanks and always knew they were secretly no good predators this

Why is everyone assuming that the perpetrator is someone who worked directly on these films that Haim starred in? Stars visit film sets that they are not directly employed on, do they not? It could be anyone, really.

No way it’s Spielberg because Feldman has spoken very highly of him as recently as this past May.

The wild speculation happening in the comments section here is making me profoundly uncomfortable. This is an abhorrent thing that has harmed we can’t even guess how many children and it’s basically gossip fodder. I’m uncomfortable for the people being named who have no connection to this other than that it would be

I don’t think it could be Spielberg because Corey Feldman has said very nice things about him.

This website is not a picture book—read the article.

He was interviewed by Oprah once and he’d lost a lot of weight for a role and you could tell he was so excited and sensitive about it and what it meant to him to be thinner.

These responses are blowing my mind- watching the video you see how uncomfortable he is and I don’t give one shit that he answered poorly the first time she said something really rude and inappropriate. Good natured joking on a show is normal, but this was just nasty and I have no problem with him having a problem

Honestly. I like the guy and I feel bad if his feelings were hurt by a mean joke, but I’m not left feeling any desire to jump to his defense after that comment.