Exactly. Why would this be an issue? It’s like noting that at the time of robbery, the victim was very wealthy.
Exactly. Why would this be an issue? It’s like noting that at the time of robbery, the victim was very wealthy.
Missing from the FB post: links to resources people can call to report/help addicts, decency, empathy.
The child was in no immediate danger and crime scene photos are SOP.
Doesn’t Oriental include all those things too?
I’m confused as well.
Yeah I don't understand what's happening here. The headline says she's not offended but the tweet indicates she's offended. The article says it's ok to call objects but not people Oriental but the tweet indicates she saw an object called Oriental. I'm completely confused.
Fucking murder or torture or forced slavery or some shit on top of rape. What kind of question is that?
Both the Oxford dictionary (“1.2The white juice of certain plants”) and MW dictionary (“a white liquid produced by a plant”) disagree.
Everything I’ve ever seen and read said she dropped him, and he was devastated, but accepted it wasn’t going to work out.
“Are they trying to do everything they can to make her kill herself?”
Who did he date that was sleazy? The movie did portray him as a devoted husband and father, as I recall. His first wife worked with mentally challenged folks? She seems nice. His new wife Beth O is very compassionate as well. Stern must have a side that is appealing to at least two kind people he married. I’m not…
He’s been a great ally to the LGBT community (he has some issues talking about trans people but is supportive of their journey) and since going to satellite he’s actually more TV-14 or PG-13 than R or X rated now.
I know a lot about Howard Stern, and the women he’s dated, and the woman he is now married to (because I’m a long time fan and his actual shtick is being very honest about himself and his life, and yes, he has gotten much less mean thanothing he used to be, and frequently talks about this and how he’s embarrassed by…
This is SO true. I don’t care about all the dick jokes and callouts and whatnot, but I’ve come to believe he is the greatest interviewer of my lifetime. I can listen to him talk to a celebrity all day.
He’s one of the best interviewers in radio right now.
Hmmm, Howard started dating his current wife, Beth Ostrosky, not long after the divorce, and, from what I’ve heard, she’s not at all sleazy.
He’s not the same from 20 years ago. Listen to any of his celebrity interviews from the last few years. He's the best interviewer this side of Anderson Cooper.
The movie was based on his autobiography, and detailed his life as he had lived it up until that point. As a listener and fan, I don’t ever find myself thinking that he isn’t being totally honest about or taking responsibility for his actions. I always thought that transparency was the backbone of his entire career.
They got divorced 4 years after the movie and had been married for 23 years. It's probably more complicated than you make it out in this comment
I’m NOT an MRA!