Justin Strickland

Depending on your phone manufacturer or version of Android, you can probably go to settings, apps, All, then find the bloatware app and “disable” it. This uninstalls all updates for it, and removes it from the app tray. It will warn about possibly affecting other app/feature performance, but you already know it’s

Play store, apps, menu button (upper left), my apps, all, tap the X. Removes it from the list.

This only works when it’s not installed on the device you’re using.

I totally agree with you. I actually really like his performance, and always have, with exceptions of just a few lines total devoid of emotions and spoken at an awkward cadence.

Couldn’t say it better myself.

Try asking your parents? Just let them know you heard about a feature, and you wanted to be sure it was part of the plan before you tried it so you didn’t incur extra charges. It shows them that you care about saving them money and that you’re an informed consumer.

Right, but their “unlimited plan” is $25 more than it used to be under the “old plan” that I had. I wasn’t about to re-sign, pay an extra $25 a month for two years before getting that discount. I jumped ship to T-Mobile, can upgrade my phone basically whenever, and my bill stayed the same. Much happier with them,

Land of the free, man. Laaaaaand of the freeeeeee.

Use your exacto knife (or hobby knife, if you’re in the UK), and place the reverse edge (not the cutting edge, though that works better on some very fine mold lines) perpendicular to the surface, and scrape back and forth gently, it will shave off the mold line.

I’d rate them about an 8. I typically only use mine when my eyes are starting to feel strain already, or I have an idea that I’m going to be working 8+ hours straight without any breaks, but they DO work and keep you from wanting to tear your eyes from their sockets.

I’d rate them about an 8. I typically only use mine when my eyes are starting to feel strain already, or I have an

Lately, my go-to gaming drink is pomegranate lemonade. I fill half my glass with water, then the other half with a little bit of each juice. After you start cutting juices with water, it doesn’t take long before your tastes begin preferring this new, lower level of sweetness, and most sodas become almost offensively

Or eat a little bit all the time to maintain a healthier, more natural metabolism...

I’ll second this. Used the app on lollipop on both note 3 and nexus 6, never had a problem.

I had to return a Corsair closed loop liquid cooler because of a faulty pump, and they had great customer service in my opinion (about a year and a half ago).

Just stock Android. I’m fairly certain this was the behavior before I put M on it. If I’m mistaken, then I guess you can be excited for it as a new feature.

I got really really excited when you said thumbwheel, then I saw the orientation was vertical... Had it been more similar to the Revolution, this would have been an instant buy. I loved the thumbwheel for moving several action buttons to my mousehand for playing FPS games, reload, grenade, melee, or whatever

No... On my Nexus 6, I tell it to set an alarm with voice, and it uses Timely Alarm, as that is my preferred app for handling alarms.

Originally, it comes from Old English to bote. In Old English, bot meant “’help, relief, advantage; atonement,’ literally ‘a making better,’” from Proto-Germanic *boto, which is also where the word better comes from.

It has nothing to do with boots, and even less to do with hats. What exactly makes it “cringeworthy”?

Originally, it comes from Old English to bote. In Old English, bot meant “’help, relief, advantage; atonement,’

Wait, so on iOS you can’t just a different app than the built-in as the Default app to handle alarms?

Duuuude. Really? There’s hardly a line in the show that isn’t a punchline. There’s gotta be something there for you.

That, and the tie-in to the Halo series, like how they named their digital assistant “Cortana”.