New York is BACK!
New York is BACK!
TWUNT. wow. Nice one!
So they make a prequel and 3 movies plus one offshoot but they can't make THE NEW MUTANTS HAPPEN???? Weak! I would give anything to see that series come to like. I mean with CGI you can make a great Warlock: []
I used the tracking technology on Steve Jobs to find out where he gets those mock turtlenecks and dad jeans.
Hey I'm sure Nick Denton has done some questionable things to make such success but he is a nice guy. Play or be played is what I say.
Only in L.A.
I wish they made a horror film about rats eating people in the subway until a Rambo like exterminator shows up to do battle.
Welcome to my nightmare.
It would be awesome if his replacement was from China.
@polypam: Oh god. I see some comments on gossip blogs like Perez Hilton that make me weep for the future of humanity.
@hilikusopus: Gawker stopped being picky with who they give access to the comments.
Hell yeah. Especially funky designer ones, if you're a designer.
@gochomoe: Basically, they did hire people that were documented workers for a good hourly rate to help on the side.
I swear, if this city started a documented worker (illegal immigration) task force, SHIT WOULD GET DONE.
My blood is starting to boil regarding this. I witnessed so many service vehicles stranded. Police cars, buses, ambulances. I live in front of a major road and was astonished at the chaos out there.
It's weird how her seat moves around 1:10. It's like a sofa prop.
@Sharkbreath: Awesome!
Well, this little guy needs an outfit.
Bad for an oil painting, good for an iPad painting.