“Filthy Mouthed Wife” - What the fuck is wrong with this fucking shit sucking pussy grabber?
“Filthy Mouthed Wife” - What the fuck is wrong with this fucking shit sucking pussy grabber?
I had a conversation with a person who is 100% OK with a police officer going thru their cell phone at a traffic stop, without a warrant, in order to “keep kids safe”, but will openly talk about shooting guns, and how many they own, while sitting with other parents in a kindergarten class room.
Wait! Is Mr Mull a real employee, or is he a made up one that Eric is behind. Did Eric just accidentally show that there are ghost employees at Trump Corp and they are engaging in payroll fraud too?
Poor Mr Mull.
I did not want to listen, but I did not believe that he said “The Woman are going great, also Asians.” But he did. He really did.
Yeah, but not everyone dies from gun violence. I thought that one could only go after the person that pulled the trigger, and not the actual gun owner. I mean, you can sue a driver that hit you AND the owner of the vehicle.
I mean, couldn’t someone recommend waiting for the $30,000 Tesla? A way to offset his carbon footprint a tiny amount?
So, can he be locked up for this? He did commit a crime....
“If anything on this graphic causes confusion, ignore the entire product.”
Lock Them Up! Lock Them Up! Don’t fuck with a weather forecast!!
When Tom passed, I cried. Full our tears. As odd as it sounds he felt like a grandfather to me. Giving my wisdom and wisecracks. In their own way, they taught me so much about cars, problem solving and life. I have been very luck in my life where I never had to suffer a loss, but when Tom passed, it felt like…
If we cannot keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have it, can we at least start to pass laws that make the owners of those guns financially responsible for the carnage they inflict??
The only highlight is the fact that Space Travel is still impossible, and that leaders who refuse to combat climate change will burn with the rest of us common folk.
I was babysitting for an uber wealthy family one day. They locked the door and set the alarm with me and the kids inside. (I was cool with it as it was going to be a late night and the only set the exterior alarms. Being a single girl in a fancy house with kids, I felt safer).
Wait, wait wait wait wait, wait...this is a REAL Hasbro product and not some random knock off???
I am old enough to remember getting my debit card from the bank in a little paper/fabric like envelope used to keep the card clean and safe. I have replaced the card many years ago, but I still have that little sleeve for my new cards...
True, but everyone will pretty much be dead in 30 years thanks to climate change.
Did you see the band-aid on the back of her heel when she took of her shoes? :)
His brain is gone....like really gone. It is reverting back to things that he did in his younger day....real estate buying/selling/snatching up distressed owners property at a bargain price....
This administration can give America Free College, Free Healthcare, Everyone $1000 a month living salary, High Paying Jobs, and Unicorns and I would NEVER EVER EVER VOTE for the clown leading this circus.