One Password too many

If this was my child, I would be in jail for ending that teacher. Fuck any adult who sees this cruelty with children and does nothing about it.  

Aww...I like my side of TikTok. I have everything from Indigenous dancing and education, anti-racists activists, Marvel fans, and even sheep shearing lesbians! (They be my fave). It is weird and my TT and I like it that way!

My biggest issue is not only are afro-latinx excluded but so are indigenous latinx actors from movies and shows. Ever watch a telanovela from PR, Mexico, Columbia, Brazil ect? The main characters are always tall, light skinned, light eyes, light hair, while the background characters (servants, construction workers,

Are we the only family that drives around with extra bulbs in the car for all lights on the car? I always have to check all lights, and always am terrified of a light fizzing out because of this.

I have gotten items I purchased online (from the store) with the tags still on.

Well aren’t you a lucky one!

The rubber band one totally works.

Finally a Church I belong in!

I remember watching that video. I remember that that cop jumped out of the patrol car with his gun drawn before the car even stopped moving. 

Yeah, I never did like the Steve/Diana love story. I loved Steve’s character in the first one, but did not think he would get with Diana. She was so naïve and I felt Steve was better then that.

I like the Dave Matthews mix of this.  I normally DO NOT let my kids watch such events, but watching this guy get it, with Dave Matthews Band playing in the background was perfect...

Yup. And now this doll won’t be available to kids that love it. 

Eh. I love all these movies and I love filling out excel spreadsheets. (Organizing thoughts into a form brings joy to my chaotic mind)

Adoption is a beautiful way to grow a family. Honoring and loving where your children came from is a healthy way to strengthen their cultural and self identity.

Vote. Just Vote. Filling out the ballot and dropping in the scanner always fills my heart with pride. I think about my past family what could not/was not permitted to vote.  I even Vote in the small local races....knowing I am using the power that people died to give me in an honor. 

Rage Against the Machine line “Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.”

I CANNOT wait for the chapter about the airports that were defended against the British during the Revolutionary War!

Please. Amazon warehouse workers barely have enough time to pee and eat, let alone smear crap all over a book....

Everyone is guilty until proven innocent in a court of law.

Don’t you mean to say, “Comply with all orders from authority without question and turn a blind eye to those in danger who need help?”