I’ve hated this car since the first time I saw one, but holy shit, 600 horsepower in something so ugly, thats kind of awesome!
I’ve hated this car since the first time I saw one, but holy shit, 600 horsepower in something so ugly, thats kind of awesome!
Damn, I wish E36 M3’s were under 5000$ here in Norway, that and the E46 is about the only BMW’s I like.. sadly most of them have been owned by richkids who have riced them to hell, especially non-m’s... :<
I loved the GLK, but I’m not sure of the rear-end on the GLC, maybe it’ll grow on me in a few years ...
Well as fun as it is to watch the military buildup on both sides, and the possibility of the F22 coming to Europe I’d rather not end up in a warzone anytime soon. Wish both sides would calm their tits down and stop this nonsense. But I guess that wouldnt be very human-like.
Mmmm, grand national. Wonder how much I have to bribe the Norwegian government to import one here...
I mustve missed this question about weirdest sex stuff happening in cars.. I thought making my then-gf squirt in my front passager seat was bad, but reading #2... jesus christ.
Oooh, the sexyness is strong in this one!
Oooh, that.. that was lovely.
Nice car, turbo and all, but really not worth 60k...
Who exactly pays for all the wrecked cars? Surely lotus should be bankrupt hardcore by now.. those cars cant be cheap..
My parents have a big farm with a lot of land that doesnt get used. Perhaps I can have one and park it there?
Anyway, wish Norway would buy one of these, would be perfect for when The Bear comes knocking, along of waiting for 30 years for the F-35 deliveries to arrive.
Finally, my dream car is being recognized by people on jalopnik!
Now if only I could afford one....
“What if she got crazy and got up and opened an exit door at 36,000 feet?”
Eh, isnt there a shit ton of pressure on the door making it impossible to open at that altitude?
Its... its beautiful!
Tomorrow’s headline: “tank crew found dead in alley”
Mein Gott! That is awesome!
Damn, that person must have been on one hell of a trip when answering that call...
This. I had a green Murcielago on my bedroom wall for over 10 years, definitely my favorite Lamborghini. Countach is a close second!