Lol, glad to see Always Sunny here because I’ve yelled “Shut up, Science Bitch!” most times he’s started talking.
Lol, glad to see Always Sunny here because I’ve yelled “Shut up, Science Bitch!” most times he’s started talking.
I’ve never almost quit a game because a character told me the same thing 4,000 times in 5 hours until Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I promise that I will never forget that Lanz wants something meatier. Please tell me anything else, Eunie.
She’s been watching too watch Dwight.
ActRaiser 2 without question. They removed the best part of the first game and just made another side-scrolling platformer.
Same here! I have waited for the Last of Us 2 for so long and I am struggling to play it right now. I got a couple hours in and then didn’t turn it back on for 4 days. I’ve been playing Dragon Quest Builders 2 again just because it’s happy and feels good to build stuff. Your comment makes me want to reinstall Ni no…
If you’re looking for vampires, witches, big tiddies, and werewolves then you need to not do yourself a favor and play Operation Darkness on Xbox 360 lol.
I had both systems each generation until PS4/XB1. Both had their pros/cons each generation. I’ve never understood the fanboy thing, so please miss me with any of that dumb shit. I was very turned off by XB1 initially due to a couple, in my opinion, just terrible decisions. By the time the XB1 ship was righted, I had…
Holy shit, it is possible to not do a slideshow. Thank you!!!!
The old take my ball and go home tactic. Not childish at all.
Damn, this isn’t unexpected, but I hate to see you leave. Thank you so much for the hard work and great reads over the years. I look forward to seeing where you go next and will follow. The owners of this site don’t deserve to employ you or your talented co-workers.
Been coming to AV Club for years and I’m really disappointed to see this slideshow bullshit. I won’t click through another one and if it continues, I’ll lose this bookmark just like I did with Deadspin. I hate it for the writers that are having to go along with this terrible idea.
I’ll second this. I blew through Fell Seal right before it released from Early Access and need to replay it. It’s the closest thing to a Final Fantasy Tactics successor that I’ve ever played.
Vandal Hearts is definitely not the most popular one, but it’s the first thing I thought of as an intro to the genre. Sega all but abandoned Shining Force in the mid 90s. They released a terrible PS2 game that probably shouldn’t have even had the name attached to it. There are two other Vandal Hearts games, but I…
Same! I killed almost all of them the first time I played.
Vandal Hearts is how I got into the genre. It’s pretty basic (but awesome) so you shouldn’t feel overwhelmed. Shining Force 2 is another good one to ease into the genre.
I can’t confirm this is accurate but a google search says it’s an FX show that you can only watch on Hulu.