
Being “anti-gay” and Christian are very different. Being Christian is a bit uncouth or uncool in the tech industry but no one is going to despise you for it. Thinking gays don’t deserve marriage rights or something along those lines is akin to racial segregation to a lot of people in the Silicon Valley area, though

I thought the switch of the gay dating site founder being persecuted for being a Christian in the same way a gay person gets persecuted elsewhere was funny for the first couple of jokes. But after the episode kept pressing the issue I got a bit annoyed. No one in the tech industry is going destroy a major deal because

Having watched Untucked, I would never want to be friends with Eureka, who never shuts the fuck up, or Vixen, who escalates any situation she can.

I thought Miz Cracker was going to win based on the comments and the fact that Aquarias Martian outfit looked so crafty (I guess that’s a negative thing to say now?)

“That people don’t find him funny because he slyly commenting on American bigotry, they find him funny because he has a funny accent”

See, I’ve actually always wondered about the wisdom of this criticism. I was just a dumb white kid growing up in a pretty white state but I always felt like the best moments of the

For me this ridiculous outrage du jour ignores two key pieces of information:

See, this is the part of the argument I don’t understand. I don’t buy that he was bullied *because* of Apu, rather the bullying took the *form* of Apu because that was the only popular Indian character the children would be familiar with. It seems like the Simpsons are getting blamed for being one of the first

That implies however that said bullying would not have occurred without the instigation of the Simpsons...

The Vixen is smart to take on the role of this seasons shit stirer because she is a pretty basic queen otherwise.

Asaf Goren was also just on Worst Cooks in America. Apparently he’s just doing random stuff for reality shows now.

The depth of my non-understanding of what any of this shit means is profound.

Tyra Sanchez sucks, though, and her having a crown is baffling almost a decade later.

After needing the extra 20 minutes in the premiere to introduce the queens, this episode was where I really started to feel the extra time in a good way. We got a bunch of workroom drama, a full runway, even the mediocre lip-sync got some breathing room.

When Jesus comes along...
You must whip him!

I’m enjoying Asia O’Hara as well. Aquaria is giving me a Valentina vibe (youth, eyebrows, entitlement) and I am not having it.

I’m not a makeup expert, but Miz Cracker and Aquaria’s makeup didn’t look that similar to me. I mean no more similar than any other number of looks.

Be a fit white male?

To be fair, Carrey painted Sarah Sanders as Sarah Sanders. Genetics and a lifetime of habitual lying made her a monster!

RuPaul inducts a new member into the Drag Race Hall Of Fame (though we all know who the true winner is)

more like Glee 3.0 because 2.0 basically happened during 1.0 when the first lot graduated at the end of season 3.