
I a) already hate that the queens get to change outfits now for the lipsync and b) also thought that the joke was dependent on the outrageous outfit which makes it doubly problematic so the entire time I had my jaw set in the middle of the bar and just seethed. This episode was already in my bad graces for the SHITTY

I totally agree with you. Blacks are 13% of the country, leaving 87% white. Asians are 6%, leaving 94% white. Latinos are 17%, leaving 83% white.

Is anyone NOT hate-watching this right now?

Well now I’m hoping Rick dies, and peace and prosperity breaks out, seeing as how he’s been the cause of 99 percent of the chaos on this show.

Hard pass. He was the worst part of Parks & Rec and I’ve never found him funny. Angry yell-shouting is not a substitute for actual comedy. guys do understand that other studios are withholding their back catalog deliberately from Netflix, either because other streaming services are paying more for exclusive rights or because they have plans to cut out the middleman and start their own streaming services, right? I mean, you keep using the words

Lawsuits like these need to hit morons who file them harder than any monetary amount they may have hoped to recover. People should NOT be free to sue on a whim. There needs to be a legitimate, identifiable reason to do so. Lawsuits that are CLEARLY not filed in good faith (like this one), should not only be cause for

I was so excited for an Andy Warhol Ball, but it really did fall flat. They could have kept the can and the disco look, but I feel like it would have made more sense overall if there was something in between those two. Maybe a Factory superstar look or something? The mini-challenge was definitely inspired by that

I agree with you about the lip-sync insofar as there was nothing Trixie could do. But it felt really unfair to see a strong, effortFUL performance get trounced by something that was next to effortless.

Aja’s look was attractive and stylish, but the judges were right that the visual referents were off-the-mark, and just a little scattershot. It was a matter of failing successfully, but one that combined with her lackluster, vague soup can concept.

Dana Loesch is staggeringly insane. Watch any of the promotional videos she does for the NRA, and the message is very clearly “buy guns, because a civil war is a-brewin’.”

I’m gonna spare some thoughts and prayers that she and other NRA members get to experience what those children experienced last week.

Yes, I mean it.

Because it’s funny to watch someone we hate fail spectacularly!

Isn’t there a certain value in recognizing a terrible person being humiliated? It may not make me a great person, but in a world where the worst people imaginable are coming out on top, I like a reminder now and then that it isn’t always so.

i know a gay trump supporter. rather, i knew a gay trump supporter.

I really like the thematic idea of this ending, that Rebecca is finally, wholeheartedly willing to take responsibility, to recognize her mental illness yet not use it as an excuse.

Oh for sure, she’s got charisma and energy in SPADES, like I’m so excited to see how she grows Chi Chi, but I also could see how she’d be much more comfortable doing repeated, choreographed stage performance, vs. creating original content in the pressure cooker that is The Race. She might also be a contender for a

No one’s ever done such a nasty and petty lipstick message before though. I thought it was classless and it made me like Thorgy less

This show overall was quite enjoyable and there were wonderful moments throughout the series, but if I'm being honest with myself, I do feel it's a bit overrated. The two issues that I struggled with in every episode: 1) Just a weeee bit too hipster culture for me. 2) The acting just simply is not great at all.

Sticking your head in the oven is a fucking metal way to go. Have a little respect.

Finished the show today. I liked it a lot but the acting by almost all involved really brought it down for me. I noticed quite a few comments criticizing the acting, so I know I'm not saying anything new, but I just couldn't help but be frustrated. Aziz is just not an actor. I love Aziz. I think he's an incredible