Kevin Moore

Leslie Nielson is the name. He did it first in Airplane.

It will serve as a nice prop later. Drink a toast to the new CEO of Pied Piper, Big Head.

Considering two women were discussing Big Head, my guess is he will be hired as CEO to Pied Piper. He will hire Richard as CTO and VP. Tell Richard, he is in charge, I'm just a figure head.

That they were mocking a real viral video makes it even more funny. Thanks for the insight.

Wouldn't it be great if the quote was attributed to the wrong person and he was quoting someone like Albert Speer (Nazi), not Frank Herbert. (It is a Frank Herbert quote)

The woman jogging past him was great.

Game of Thrones used up HBO's death toll for 2015. 8-)

TV and movies don't hold up too well when you try to be realistic.

Which is why some executives want to be CEO and Chairman of the board. It's like being President and Chief Justice. You get to hold your own impeachment trial. Why some companies will not make a new CEO also the COB.

As majority shareholder, he might be able to vote out the board members. It all depends on how the company is set up.

However, isn't Richard still the majority share holder?
Time to vote for a new board.

Properly reverse engineering uses a Chinese Firewall. One group looks at the product and writes a spec. A separate team uses the spec to write new code. This avoids accidentally copying code. A coworker had a great story about a code comment that won a lawsuit.

Big Head continuing to succeed without trying would be funny. Since his Hooli contract is probably void, he will be snapped up by another company.

He was excellent. Great dead pan.
Perfect foil to Erlich.

I hope they keep the mediation lawyer. He is great.

I was hoping the judge would go after Hoolie for reverse engineering Pied Piper. Voiding the contracts was good.

Single sided 360kb 5.25 floppies is as old as I go.
And 8" floppies.
Well I did have paper tapes in high school.
We did one easy punch card program in college, just to see how much it sucked.

You realize by clicking on Comments, you might have killed the show.
Or you killed the show by watching the preview.

Autodesk was in Sausalito. There are some tech companies there still.