Kevin Teljeur

Empire was hardly dark. Glum but not dark. They’d only not fund it for what it sounds like the same reasons they want reshoots of Rogue One.

And Kris Anka, Phil Noto, David Aja, etc etc...

Hold on, I haven’t gotten to the faces yet. Still working my way through the boobs.

Let’s celebrate women by looking at artwork by a man that mindlessly reduces femininity to boobs.

Same face, same expression, same massive chest. This art is frankly pedestrian in its tiresome rendition of the worst traits of comic art. The artist should be ashamed for painting it, and io9, you should be embarrassed for posting it.

Don’t say that. There are many, many amazing men artists who don’t feel the need to turn every comic book woman into a pin up. Check out Cliff Chiang’s run for Wonder Woman. Or Chris Samnee’s work. He is doing the upcoming run for Black Widow.

Such breast...

This painting sucks. All of the characters have exactly the same face and expression.

Why does the girl in the red in the Marvel photo have a huge yellow arrow pointing to her vagina?