
Putting clothespins on power cords to save money by keeping electricity from escaping as waste is one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve ever heard. If people who believe this have kids that go to your kid’s school, you need to find your kid a new school.

I quite enjoyed the eighth season, i thought Frank’s storyline was one of the best he’d had since Bianca. And Kev and V were as delightful as ever. Having recently watched the UK version finally, I’m glad the US version is sticking around and sticking with the Gallaghers.  

It’s at least eleven hours too long!

Right. I really wanted to hate that, but it’s great as a war movie. 

“six hours? Eight hours?” So all of the armor can be upgraded in 8 hours of work? That doesn’t seem so bad, by MMO standards (going by old-school MMOs, since I haven’t played any in like 10 years).

I don’t have anything quippy, just glad Deadspin has someone good reporting on hockey

Chara is 41!?! You’ve blown my mind.

What do you mean, come back into style? Can’t come back to where you never left.

Fancy pants

Understandable. When I saw the dunk I did four somersaults and a backflip off the coffee table. Then I passed out

Ok, I’m gonna say it. Shani Davis kinda looks like a sore loser here.

I’d argue that three of the best Unplugged were the Seattle bands: Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and Pearl Jam.

Now playing

Nirvana’s version of “Man Who Sold The World” from MTV Unplugged is fantastic.

He is supposed to be Ryu or Kazuya? If it’s Kazuya doesn’t he need a big distinctive scar across his chest? And also, boy I’m fat.

Popeyes > KFC

same. at some point i actually wanted the music to just fucking stop. i mean i know what the director was going for but if felt like i was like watching an episode of glee where every 5 minutes they have to burst into ANOTHER song to express their mood.

Dude, if you’re judging a Star Wars movie—even a good one—on its dialogue, you’re gomna have a bad time. Good Star Wars movies are good because the good guys fight the good fight against the bad guys, the action scenes are intense because the motivations feel earned, there’s a good balance of scifi technonology and

Didn’t do anything special? What the fuck are you smoking?

No wins at all for Horizon Zero Dawn is messed up.

The Girardi firing is a mistake. Cashman wants a statistics guy (like Girardi) who’s a company man (like Girardi) and who is good with developing young talent (like Girardi).