Why does the first post often seem to be some pedantic fool ripping on the author? Chill dude, smoke a bowl. It’s clear enough.
Why does the first post often seem to be some pedantic fool ripping on the author? Chill dude, smoke a bowl. It’s clear enough.
Likely the ac high pressure safety valve blew off, that’s the loud pop you heard and it would have been accompanied by a powerful release of all the system’s freon …at 500 psi! Or an ac line blew. Whatever it was it probably blew refrigerant oil all over some electronics or harness connector or the under hood…
All of those suggested vehicles have clutches that feel more like you’re plunging your foot into a pile of mush than operating a clutch and shift linkages that feel like a big sloppy ball with gears in there somewhere. I know, I’ve driven all of them. There’s no feel to them. Terrible suggestions (sorry!) Honda civic…
Nope. Official Rules of the road (published in every state) say you always turn into the closest lane. To do otherwise is illegal. Also published: You never have the right of way, you yield the right of way to on coming traffic, regardless of the signal.
Came for this. Drives me crazy! I’ve actually had people road rage me for “taking their lane” when they’re so obviously in the wrong, skipping across 2 lanes when turning!
Apparently I’m not seeing the problem here, I see a friendly gesture. A bit awkward, yes but who wouldn’t be In that situation? And before you all go off, I’m NOT a trump supporter. Just sayin’
I’m an ASE auto technician. The pressure stamped on the tire is that tire’s maximum load rating at that PSI. Read what precedes the PSI number on the tire’s sidewall. It’s a rating of the tire’s capabilities, not of what it should be inflated to.