
This is SO true. I used to get so mad at old-timers who said stuff and then, when you disagreed, said crap like, “what, I’m just sayin’ what everyone else thinks.” Like, fuck you old man, I am NOT thinking that.

One really sick part about this whole thing is that this is how A LOT of white people talk when no one else is around. The Trump era has made people think this is OK to not only say while at home, but on national television. People need to be publicly shamed for saying shit like this.

People are saying . . .

“But at least Trump might pay taxes now that he’s personally lowered his tax rate, right?”

they’re also trimming the tax brackets to three: 12%, 25% and 33%. So, just by napkin math, a vast majority of Americans in the lower-middle class are going to see a big tax hike while corporations and the 1% are going to get significantly more money. Also: this plan is going to be insanely expensive and probably not

Whoever wrote that headline

He’s self-branded. He labeled himself as a “policy wonk” and by sheer repetition, people believed it over time. It’s the old “if you tell a lie often enough and keep repeating it, people start to believe it” deal.  

Paul Ryans reputation as the Republicans serious policy guyseems to be entirely based on the fact that he wears a nice suit and takes himself very seriously. Nothing he has ever done has shown any indication that he is actually capable of creating any kind of actionable policy. Look at this healthcare fiasco and

This is all you need to know about Paul Ryan: He’s a heartless fucking idiot.

“The Process” is so East Coast. No folks, what we are doing here is practicing “The Method.”

Any guesses as to why the Fins would vote no?

Not as much as the Oakland Coliseum, amirite?

This sounds like normal behaviour for Airstrip One.

I didn’t think the leopards would eat MY face, sobs woman who voted for Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

And Helen Beristain’s reaction was telling, too. After the shock of her husband, “one of the good guys”, being arrested for deportation wore off, she of course started lobbying and getting lawyers to get the deportation order reversed. Does she blame Trump? Of course not!

Who could have possibly predicted this aside from absolutely everyone, everywhere? Of course these stupid motherfuckers werent going to admit they made a mistake, theyre immune to learning.

Whats really amazing about this is that when it looked like Trump was going to successfully repeal the ACA and fuck them all

The people who voted for him, have proven themselves to be ignorant at every turn. Like the woman in Indiana who voted for him but is now surprised that her husband, an undocumented man from Mexico, is about to be deported. Because when Trump was constantly screaming about Mexicans, she thought that magically excluded

Which is a funny analogy, considering Trump failed at running a casino, too.


At this point, the Trump supporters that are still gullible enough to believe in him are “all in”. They are like a compulsive gambler on a losing streak... they think if they ride this through, they can hit it big. The House loves these suckers... I mean customers.