
The entire game is supposed to be scary. It was designed as satire on capitalism and how you’re pretty much fucked by luck.

I bought A WiiU for Breath of the Wild...then it never came out. It happens.

I love that, even after gaining control of (soon to be) all three branches of government... they can’t break the trend of bullshit tactics.

I’m disabled and well aware of how much it sucks. Since they can’t in practical terms do it, my point was that they shouldn’t let fear of looking like they’d be willing to shut it down stop them from taking the protest vote, because a principled stand that makes them look like an organized party ready to fight for the

I try to be as non-violent as possible, but considering this is the guy who would rather let low-income school children starve than give them government-subsidized school lunches on the premise that it “builds character”...

Exactly. Saying “believe me” has got to be one of biggest red flags that you should not believe that person.

If we shut down the government that means they can’t make it worse- right?

I don’t want the wall. And I don’t give a fuck what some redneck asshole like Electric Grid, who took time away from fucking his sister to post this, has to say about it.

Holes also still exist. So does travel by sea.

So you’re stupid and humorless. At least you’re up front about it.

I think I ungreyed the troll so I am not the best teacher.

You are so dumb.

In our town, Mexicans staff most of the restaurant kitchens, and construction companies, and cleaning companies, and landscaping companies, etc. No one complains when they pay less for any of these services. Yet this is a HIGHLY conservative, military/retirement community (which skews old and white), so there’s tons

“Republican lawmakers are convinced that by daring Democrats to vote against the bill, they’d be inciting a “public relations war” that would effectively force the bill to pass.”

Most illegals come through airports, so the wall is pretty pointless considering the cost. But Trump supporters are dumb enough to think it will prevent illegal immigration so Republicans will waste taxpayer money to build it just to please them.

This STILL makes we want to scream into the void. How many people actually want this? Have they devoted any thought to the logistics, maintenance, and oh, that AIRPLANES WILL STILL EXIST. And that plenty of the low-paying American jobs that Americans DONT WANT TO DO are done by people across the border? Also, I recall

There had been betas for a while now.

That is my schedule too. At most 2-3 hours every other day. I have a tendency to take my time playing especially “open-world” games.

“Hey! It got me to stop playing overwatch!”

sometimes....this time? No. Once the meat of the story is over, the dungeons are cleared...FFXV is more or less a collection of fetch quests, but that’s OK. The one big hangup I had prior to purchase (“DOES THE COMBAT SUCK?” “CAN THIS HOLD THE BUTTON SHIT REALLY WORK?”) turns’s ultra engaging and fun.