
Anyone else remember when the women had “uneven parallel bars” and they were closer together? They'd come swinging down from the upper bar and ram the crap out of their guts on the lower bar.

C&H obviously #1, and I can’t complain about your top-10 but, ahem... “Shoes”???

I just assumed Puig didn’t take the flight after deciding it would be faster if he drove

Remigio Pereira drinks Kangen water

The Tenors’ statement: “3 of us matter”

over 2000 homers this year, only 5 with a launch angle as low as 17 degrees, which that one was. MASHED.

This is what it sounds like when Dubs cry

Fact is, Capitalism has provided the highest standard of living for the highest number of people in history. Corruption exists in all systems, but generally we can expect people to be better off under Capitalism than Socialism

yeah, sounds great, right? Take property that belongs to some entity...a person, a bank, an LLC and so on, and simply give it to those who have shown zero responsibility in their lives so far and have made every possible wrong decision at every possible opportunity. Why don’t we just put the homeless on a public


The answer may be relatively simple but expensive. There are dozens of variables to consider and workout but: re-fund the state and federal institutions for schizophrenics and others with debilitating mental disorders; reinstitute vagrancy laws and jail those who are substance abusers that sleep/defecate/urinate in

um, good? Nowhere does it say people have a right to live in public places. Maybe the city can use funds to do something about the homeless, but back a few decades ago, when we had vagrancy laws, the problem didn’t exist to the extent we see now. Reagan de-funded federal mental institutions sending 100,000s to the

phew...opened this story to make sure it wasn’t me.

I usually take my JFK with soda water

Typical lamestream media only using the photo of Harambe in his cap and gown. smh

Based on the moronic reactions NFL front offices have to things like hundredths of seconds over and above actual video of how they, you know, play football and stuff, this will likely move him up at least a round.

RE: commercials. If an actor is in a car commercial, for instance, there is usually a moratorium on that actor hocking any other car brand until the commercial runs its course. My (now adult) son did several commercials, and each time we had to sign a contract effectively banning him from competitive ads.