
Being mean to the player because her child died right in front of her. I get that she’s just a fictional character, but I swear that video gamers these days have absolutely no empathy for other human beings. We’re a generation of goddamn psychopaths.

Not true. The net result is not the same.

The item costs $300 and you have 8000 (!) points, giving you a discount of $80.

There is also no hardware keyboard, what a joke of a phone!!!

There is also no hardware keyboard, what a joke of a phone!!!

No floppy disk drive either, sorry.

No floppy disk drive either, sorry.

ES free added some shady adds and tried to trick you into enabling it by offering “Power Boost”. Power Boost claims to increase charging speed by 20% which is absurd. There are reports of disabled pins, ads on lock screen, and ads overtop of alarms.

I just don’t understand why everyone expects everything to be free. Are developers supposed to spend hours and days and weeks developing an app to give it away for free? Would every single one of the readers here do that? I bought Solid Explorer without twitching and do not regret it all. Constantly asking for free

The new owners should move the fighting to the streets or some other exotic locales, like an Air Force hangar or a Japanese Bathhouse.

Nobody paid to see Bobby Eaton? That same Bobby Eaton that tagged with Stan Lane? Midnight Express Bobby Eaton? Nobody paid to see him? Really?

It’s great that he took care of that so quickly. Now that he’s free, he can boot up Fallout 4, where there’s a settlement that needs his help.

I spent many hours playing and enjoying New Vegas, but I realize now that was a waste of time, as I could have glitched my way through to the end in only 20 minutes. Ah well, live and learn.

Maybe they do both?

“We’re sending you to the Giants.”