
I seriously doubt Rockstar proper would trust an actual GTA 6 teaser with Grove Street. Simple logic doesn’t play out. Makes for a good clickable link title though.

He represents huge corps as *the* host of TV shows millions apparently watch. Don’t play dumb for the sake of ‘guys rights’ horse shit.

Same. More solo stuff online would quell single player DLC gripes. Some of us just want to do shit at our own pace and not worry about other people.

Doubtful. A subscription to Gamefly for a couple months would suffice without risking being locked out after a day or a week with no legitimate recourse.

I don’t understand. Why would anyone knowingly buy a stolen account when it’s basically inevitable that they’ll get access revoked once the real owner is smartened up about the situation?

I have old generation AA Eneloops and current gen Amazon rechargeables and the Amazons hold a charge for only 50-60% that the Eneloops still do in my Roku remote. Just one case, but I was surprised given I’d read they were identical. It’s possible newer Eneloops aren’t as well made in general.

I have old generation AA Eneloops and current gen Amazon rechargeables and the Amazons hold a charge for only 50-60%

Can I send you my broken shit?

He’s not on the Trump ticket. That’s enough for a Hillary vote. Her making a fantastic president is beside the point.

Get your ship together dude.

Why do you buy in 3 month increments?

Why do you buy in 3 month increments?

I didn’t hear any of these fundies complain when Chick-fil-A released their ‘Fuck Jesus Croissan-wich’ earlier this year.

Just distract baby!

Mostly sadness, right?

I hope you never have kids with ethics like that.

You must not be familiar with families who live in tract housing.

No way this business model lasts longer than 6 months. She’s completely dependent on bigger names not losing interest in supplying content.

What am I reading exactly?