
Ah, the butt hurt comment. You gotta love a guy who looks like he's 38 using terminology popularized by a show for 18 year olds. He's got failed would-be writer or director written all over his faux-hawk.

A ton a cash? A popular podcasting/media empire and a hit show on AMC? A hot wife? The freedom to do whatever he wants? Sold out live shows?

That's not why the band is called Say Anything. You're complaining about a guy not knowing what he's talking about— and yet you have no idea what you're talking about. That's pretty much what an opinion is these days— some asshole talking about something they have no idea about. He gave his opinion. You gave yours.

Um. How the heck did you know that?

I think people would be less inclined to use their friend's HBO Go password if they could simply pay a monthly fee directly to HBO and not have to add a premium package to their cable tv lineup. Think about all the adults living in their parents basement. The parents are old school and don't want HBO, but the basement

If you're still watching this show, you get what you deserve.

I know, right? It's as boring as a verbose comment masquerading as sharp wit.


Yes. Keep on believing that Robocop 3 is the only reason.

Well, he was right.

If you ask me, using "Stomp em in the nuts" is yet another example of how they didn't understand why the show was funny. They had to just go recycle old bits and Riley one liners all season, and those bits and one lines aren't funny when not in a satirical context.

Like South Park, I don't think you can really pinpoint a "liberal" or "conservative" viewpoint.

Oh my God. That was the one where Grandad got that "fancy" hair? That's when I knew the show was done.

I made it through the first episode…barely. I tried watching the second and third ones— then I gave up. I remember watching the Gangstalicious episode with a few people who clearly didn't get satire (they were grossed out by men kissing) and this fourth season seems to be written by those same people.

Yeah but you're down with bird law references so you've got that going for you.

That's a low blow, Loblaw.

What a stupid, stupid, stupid thing to say. Geez. Your comment is so ridiculous! Everyone knows cocaine is white! That is clearly…heroin.

He's been all over the world but he's never seen moves like those!

Oh, man! Thank you! Thank you for letting everyone know. So many of us don't get to talk to him so we really appreciate when someone like yourself can bring us into his mind. Thank you.

I didn't see the part where he vowed revenge. I'm not sure the headline is entirely accurate. If I were Tarantino, I'd sue.