
Actually, Curry and Durant are willing to take less money if it means they can stay together. Assuming the Warriors stay healthy, they could easily win titles for the next 2-3 years, until the Celtics get their stuff together. After that, the Warriors could still win, but they will have to work yard for it. And no,

What are you talking about? Watching Arrogant LeBron get his but kicked is highly entertaining. xD :)

You forgot the fact that Stephen Curry was injured last year. Had he have been healthy, the Warriors would have won. And then there was the Cavaliers not letting the Warriors’ families into the stadium until game-time, thereby making them worry about them, this distracting them from the game ahead. And I won’t even

Go ZAGS!!! Beat them COCKS!! xD

Uh-huh. Bro, there are no “quarters” in college basketball. There are two 20-min halves!!! Lay off the pot, lol.

Did you watch the CBS documentary? They (the investigators) bought a brand-new, never worn before pair of panties. They shined a blacklight on them and yet, despite them being brand-new and despite the investigators wearing gloves, there was trace-evidence of DNA. What this means is, that the DNA came from the

Ugh, ur not serious are you?? Burke didn’t care that his sister was dead!!! And he certainly wasn’t interested in solving her death!!!

The cops were hendered by Alex Hunter and his DA buddies.

Burke clambed up. He knew exactly what that was what it meant. He got so agitated about it, it was obvious that he was trying, and failing, to hide something.