Kevin Street

Oh man, I'd love it if he really was a superhero in 1941. Maybe Jeffrey is a 95 year old man who won the lottery when he ate a magic fish oil pill, and got both youth and powers. He could be a lot like Captain America, except he wasn't on ice for decades and has changed with the years.

A monster whose "purpose" was apparently to save Daisy, then Daisy ran out on them…

At least they've fished the last bits of helicarrier out of the Potomac by now. Maybe they turned the Triskelion into a new office building.

I agree with what you said about Reyes, but it seems like the TV version of the character is starting off a lot darker than the comic version did. Right now he's pretty much a villain, but they might be going for a journey to redemption kind of arc for him.

I'd like to imagine that the other Ghost Rider (with the motorcycle) has been around for a while, so when people saw a flaming skull driving a car they just assumed it was the same guy.

They implied that it may have been pieced together from cars used in that movie.

Magical pizza? I like where this is going.


Oh definitely. It "accidentally" activated when Fitz was there, and now Fitz is the one deciding to keep it secret? Radcliffe is up to something.

The direction could have been better in this one.

I think what saved her was that Ghost Rider could literally see her soul, and could tell she wasn't evil.

I'd rather they just reboot the Blaze Ghost Rider in some future movie or TV show, then he can have all his ridiculous/awesome villains and supporting characters from the comics.

CAN YOU IMAGINE? A Phantom Rider appearance would be the coolest thing ever! Not sure how it would fit with the tone of this show, but damn…

I think the reason they're using Reyes is precisely because they can still use original Ghost Rider somewhere else.

Technology versus magic!

I think she had some bone fractures in her wrists that would definitely make it hard to use her powers.

Johnny Blaze can still be in a movie, if people are willing to forget the Cage interpretation. But they don't have to change everything from the movies. I'd LOVE to see Sam Elliott as the Phantom Rider again.

I really get that feeling from his character here.

I just hope The Orb shows up as a villain.

They did show some people grieving, but I think that everyone would be terrified because they'd have no idea what might happen next. That attack could easily be the prelude to a nuclear war, or another explosive could have been smuggled into the White House.