Kevin Street

I agree with you that it's probably beyond what a network pilot can get away with, but a slow build and shocking twist would have been awesome. Not an hour of it, but maybe half an hour of normalcy before the explosion, in an extra sized episode like
shoobe01 said.

I thought it was Karen's brother that died. Not sure if they flat-out said it, but it wasn't it implied somewhere?

Probably not that long ago, no. But in flashbacks on the show she's depicted as a young teenager at the time of the accident, maybe between 11-14, and this version of Karen definitely isn't any older than Jessica.

What of there were only five of them? And maybe a sixth big boss as The Palm.

In the comics the Punisher looks like a nut when he shows up in Daredevil, and Daredevil looks ineffectual when he shows up in the Punisher's book. (IE: the house always wins.) Since this is Daredevil's show, they should have stuck with the idea that Frank Castle is a lunatic at best, or even a villain. But they had

He's not creepy! It's just that pictures of teenagers in tight spider-themed leotards sell papers.

Everybody gets one upvote.

She might as well live in the newsroom. How many times have bad guys broken into Karen's apartment and tried to abduct and/or kill her? I can think of at least three. No way would she feel secure in that place anymore.

Hey, the coffee is free.

She's a good researcher! That's what she's actually been doing for two seasons - digging up information that other people tried to conceal. If the paper still has the budget for researchers, they could hire her in that position and pair her up with a reporter who'd do the actual writing.

Was she driving as a ten year old? That would explain the accident.

It can't be Fisk, that's too obvious!

I wanted him to use the minigun, but to be fair that thing could have killed Daredevil along with the Hand, and even if it didn't, it probably would have collapsed the roof.

Matt just wasn't in a position to ask questions, since there were so many bad guys he needed all the help he could get. Afterwards he probably felt bad about it.

If you *know* they're going to come back, are you really killing them?

The only people he killed were ninjas who can apparently come back to life anyway, so I'm not even sure if his moral code covers that situation.

The show did lose interest in its own major theme, because the conflict with The Hand is beyond the reach of the law. It became an actual war, with Matt forced to look the other way when Electra was killing ninjas because he didn't have much choice.

Yeah, they should've stuck to maybe two dozen Hand soldiers at most. Any more than that, and the Law of Inverse Ninja Strength would just make them useless.

I think the cops were just waiting for it all to be over. Like Murtaugh in Lethal Weapon, they've had more than enough action thank you, but the vigilantes and ninjas keep coming.

Let's see them resurrect after that.