Kevin Street

Exactly. He didn't think they could actually build it.

I think the Mom's attitude is that Mike is too young to get in trouble, so she doesn't worry about him. Nancy is just the right age for trouble, so she's Mom's highest priority after taking care of the little sister.

I really think he would have died for his friend at that moment.

At the funeral Nancy walks by behind Joyce, then Lucas brushes right past her, and I kept thinking "Say hello! Just start talking to each other!" But it didn't happen.

He sticks with what's he's good at.

I get the feeling it couldn't make portals into our world until Eleven showed it how.

That's as likely as anything else.

But is it native to the Upside Down? We don't even really know that much. Maybe it came from somewhere else and adapted to it.

It could just be that Spielberg didn't want to compete with Stanley Kubrick, after The Shining.

Yeah, it's not forgettable.

Since there's going to be a Season 2, Lucas might be more developed in their next adventure. Assuming Season 2 is about them, that is, and isn't about totally different characters.

Maybe she thought she was dreaming, or that the whole thing was fake. "This can't be real! If I go a bit further I'll see it's a halloween prop or something… Just a bit more. Whoa, there's another forest here. This can't be real!" And so on.

I still have one! Preserved intact with my hand drawn maps from 1985, stuffed in the bookcase downstairs.

As EmilyLStephens said above, Hopper probably saw The Conversation back in '74, and just assumed that's what the government does. Bug people.

I winced every time they dropped it.

What gets me when I watch her is that she's not crazy. She's actually reacted fairly well, considering all the flat out insane things she's seen in the last couple of days. Most people would quickly tell the sheriff about the lights and the wall monster, then get committed to a hospital - but she's smart enough to

The difference with Kyle's wife, that kid in the first episode and Caleb (the church handyman) is that they were possessed very recently, probably less than twenty-fours ago. If the possession lasts longer than a few days, the result of exorcism seems to be coma, like with Kyle's mom. So as far as Kyle can tell at

I think it's a lot simpler than that. The demons are individuals, just like human beings. They all have different personalities, and the one that possessed the cop was already messed up before it even arrived.

I think Aaron is some kind of psychopath, as in the psychological disorder. He didn't understand his Mom's reaction, because he expected her to be angry.

It sure sounds like there's a lot more coming.