Kevin Street

I think you're right. When Mildred tried to steal "essence" or whatever from him, Sidney said "that doesn't work on me." He's also displayed enhanced strength and the ability to open any lock at will. Interestingly, that last ability didn't seem to be there when he first "landed," since he had to batter a door down.

Honestly, I think that changing technology is the main reason. If our parents had a way to keep in constant contact with us in the 80's they would have used it too. People then didn't miss options they never even had, but today it's considered normal to be connected to everyone all the time, and strange for kids to be

No cell phones. Parents told a kid to be home by a certain time, and that was it. They couldn't call to check up on them. Also, people didn't get distracted as much because there wasn't as much stimulation to distract them, so there was both unsupervised time to do stuff and less stuff you could do at home.

It looked like she hurt him badly without realizing it, and he turned away so she couldn't see his anger. But some of it came out later when Jonathon stopped Hopper by the car, and he gave the kid a fake-friendly shoulder punch. He was quietly seething from the moment she mentioned his daughter until he got into the

But poor Barb was quite literally the fifth wheel. There was no spot in the orgy for her.

I'd say there's way more fear now than there was in the 80's. Back then we mostly didn't realize how much scary stuff was out there. These days there's less crime and more helpful technology (there was no Google maps or GPS, and you had to find a pay phone to call for help if you were away from home), but now people

I'm giving Joyce a lot of slack. This stuff must be like a waking nightmare for her. Completely bonkers and mystifying phenomena that somehow swallowed her son.

Maybe, but so far we don't know that the victims do anything that helps the demons get in. It seems pretty random.

Back in ye olden days, uroscopic doctors drew up charts that diagnosed many different illnesses based on the smell and taste of a patient's pee. It was quite a common thing.

She's met Randall a few times, and he's never worn a wedding ring. So the clues were there, but she was probably too traumatized to put them together before now.

I think it says something about how he was raised and who he is. This guy has no fall back plan to become something else in life if the revolution looks untenable - it's king or nothing.

The ground beneath him was too soft.

"I don't want every show to have an even number of races and genders and orientations and ages just to try to please everyone. WHY NOT 5 DUDES? WHY NOT 5 GIRLS in their OWN SHOW?"

It wouldn't help even if she believed him. The knowledge that an unstoppable force from outside entered Allison and made her try to kill her own daughter would just leave her crippled with fear. How could she trust herself around Amber after that?

Child of the 80's, thankewe.

It really does seem to be non-lethal now, or else thousands of people would be turning into crumbly black statues.

The only thing that I thought was silly was that Coulson got through to Malick at all. Whoever answered the phone should have heard Coulson's voice and just hung up. Would've saved a few million dollars.

I really want to see that guy in a movie someday.

Exactly. That dude probably has no idea who's on the other end of the line, or that he's working for Hydra. He just gets his paycheck every month and waits for people to say the code phrase.

They did have withered leaves.