Kevin Street

We've been guessing that there's radioactive fallout and/or desert badderlands just outside the Badlands. And in the last scene here the monks are driving across some kind of salt pan, so that may at least partially support the desert theory.

I think the monk actually does this move on MK. You can see five flashes of light as he touches different pressure points.

I've always assumed this was a post-apocalyptic American south. The trucks say "Ford" on them, so we've known from the start that this was our world, or some kind of alternative history version of it.

He was certainly playing those final scenes for all they were worth! You could cut his accent with a knife there.

This is the first episode where they saved somebody! (Technically they saved Kelly in episode two, but she's part of the main cast.) Up to now everyone who met a deadite has been killed, but this time there were four survivors.

They had freedom… for about thirty seconds, before pledging allegiance to her.

Instead of a rum ration, they get an opium ration? Could be.

Built on blood.

I do like the idea that this place has a whole new religion. That's the kind of worldbuilding the show needs.

That was nuts. She could have impaled him from behind or something when his attention was riveted by MK's latest fuckup.

That's true.

Yeah, that was definitely where the idea came from.

Careful planning.

That was implied.

Yeah, maybe with a weighted hem. That way you could snap it off and throw it at a crook, tangling him up for a moment so he doesn't see your punch coming.

It… wouldn't fix anything, because the reason he split with her still stands: her crazy, irresponsible behavior. Knowing that she couldn't help it because she has a bizarre medical condition doesn't change what she did.

That whole subplot was brutal! Of all Major's "victims" she's the hardest to live with, because we got to know something about her, and what the zombie virus took away.

The episode where I really thought Liv's relationship with Babineaux would be hurt was "Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat" (S01E12), where a zombie tries to kill Liv at home. Aside from Peyton seeing the whole thing, it emphasized how dangerous it is for Liv to be involved in crime solving. Criminals

Don't know if it's true, but it seems like Blaine is almost contained at the moment. Turning him human didn't really slow him down (because he still has zombie minions), but blowing up Meat Cute did. Now he's stuck with a limited supply of brains at the funeral home and can't keep expanding his zombie client list.

Talk about good times for Mr. Boss. He got to kill the thief who robbed him, and clean up his gun business while keeping the money. Liv must be one of his favorite people at this point.