Kevin Street

Of the two sidekicks, Ray Santiago is by far the best actor.

I just don't see Fisher as a regular member of the group. Her job is to save lives, and so far Ash and his friends are leaving nothing but a trail of death behind them. They aren't *causing* it, but they're still spreading it around. That will be hard for her to accept.

Near as I can tell:

I really thought he'd get away.

To be fair, possessed Kelly was just trying to kill him. The seducing was a means to an end.

What people need is purpose. Many people find that purpose in religion, while others find it in something else, like family, love, career, duty, and on and on. But everybody needs something.

I can't think of a single reason why Sunny shouldn't just give MK to the River King. The revelation (which we already sort of knew) that MK doesn't know the way out of the Badlands should be a deal breaker for Sunny. This kid is an incredibly dangerous loose cannon who's done nothing but lie to him from the first

I do wonder how the Widow found her new hideout. Why wasn't someone else already there? The doctor and his wife lived outside of barony walls, then there's the town Volition mentioned and the nomads that seem to be wandering around. Why would so many people work as cogs and clippers if there's perfectly good abandoned

I guess some kung fu masters survived "The Wars."

I figure they banned the technology (maybe all technology) generations ago, and nobody alive today has even heard of a gun.

She got lucky that he didn't.

He took it from Cavanaugh's desk so he could hide that he had an affair with the stalker.

Or get another shot by bringing it before a second judge and/or jury. Or a third, fourth, and so on until they get a conviction.

I guess blackmail wasn't the first thing that came to mind. Actually she seemed a bit stunned at being caught and uncertain what to do in that situation. If he attacked her (like the detective in the pilot) she could try to get away and/or fight him, but he arrested her instead.

Now I *have* to go back and watch it in slow motion.

Maybe middle school in New Jersey. Pablo swears he's from there.

I guess I'm mainly familiar with this trope from Star Trek, where it's usually pretty gimmicky because they can't spend more than an episode or two on it.

And that dude was supposed to be on his side! He's probably carrying some guilt over that.

I've only seen the first three episodes so far, but it's clear that Joe is going through a crisis of conscience. He's always tried to live up to the ideals of his absent father, but now he's starting to question them because doing his job would mean turning in Juliana. The Grasshopper film just adds to that inner

Maybe it's a novelty to them. Most of your references were made a while back.