Kevin Street

Oddly enough, I'd say the Japanese are more restricted by the racial nature of their empire than the Germans. The Japanese seem to be having a population boom (or at least a lot of immigrants have come to San Francisco), but they're still limited in the number of soldiers and the like they can field by the necessity

I think the reviewer has pinpointed the biggest problem with MK pretty accurately: there's no lasting consequences to anything he does. In this episode there's a scene where MK finally angers Sunny and gets pushed off a precipice into the pit. It looked really painful, but in the next scene the two of them are having

Yeah, the war was pretty disappointing. Not even a battle, just a surprise attack that killed a few bowler hat guys and dialog that mentions some oilfields. I know this show isn't a movie, but they need to make it look a little bigger than it is.

All I wanted from this show was lots of awesome fights. And there has been an awesome fight in every episode, so it has that going for it. Unfortunately they put the fight at the beginning this time, so everything was downhill afterward.

That the thing about "You Must Learn Wisdom, Young Grasshopper" kind of scenes like that one. They're never going to show the guy in the wheelchair actually lose, so it always feels a bit cliched.

Yeah, he probably came back to the 80's. His car would have been repossessed if he missed six years of payments.

That was cool! She adds a lot to her performances.

It's not that he wants to be a hero, he just is one.

Ruby has to be lying about something, because she's way too well informed about Deadites. Ash banished the evil thirty years ago (and he kept the book), so there shouldn't have been any opportunity for her to learn about what killed her family or for her to develop cool combat skills. But from the way she acts Ruby

I think you're right. Fisher has been stuck with straight drama so far, so she seems less interesting than the quirky, snarky characters. We don't really know anything about her.

Being an astronaut doesn't make you rich. In real life twelve people walked on the Moon, and they've mostly lived lives of service to their country. I'm talking about guys like Alan Bean and John Young, who are obscure precisely because they're not rich or famous.

It feels like The Badlands are fairly small. There are only seven baronies, and apparently MK can run across at least half of one in a day. (Assuming the mansion is in the center.)

Don't know. But he's wearing a clipper uniform and seems to be retired, so he must have been pretty good back in the day.

The direction was quite good in this episode.

Shields at least! Armies fought with shields and spears for millennia.

Yeah, I think Kido was pretty straight with Frank the whole time. He didn't particularly want to kill any of them, but he *would* kill Frank, the sister and the kids if Frank didn't talk. Kido isn't the kind of monster who hates and rages, he's the "hard man" monster who will do whatever it takes to follow orders.

Now that I think about it, there isn't even an hour of death in between the states. I thought there was because Liv woke up in a body bag, but the other people at the boat party were turning into zombies right away and terrorizing the guests. And when Liv zombified Major it immediately healed his wounds, and he only

They've said that zombie hearts still beat, but very slowly. So I'd guess that means they're still alive, but alive in a different way than ordinary humans. Also, when Liv is injured she definitely heals, since she doesn't have any wounds left over from those injuries you mentioned.

That's a good point about the mailed lab report. You'd think it would all be email these days.

The thing about Stephanie is… She clearly likes Ravi and wants to make him happy, but she knows absolutely *nothing* about him. It's kind of weird that she could be so tone deaf, actually.