Kevin Street

I loved the way she said "prestidigitation." Ravi might be right about magic…

The way he said it was perfect.

I dislike Blaine more for that one murder than all the teenage runaways combined. Blaine's a great villain… But the man was an astronaut, for goodness sake.

The part he and the girl read aloud was translated phonetically. (Maybe by the Books From Beyond guy?) That's why Ash randomly opened that particular page - it had paper stuck on it.

Yeah, they left at dawn or thereabouts, she arrived after dark. She's probably no more than a couple of hours behind them now, since they're pulling a trailer and she speeds like the fastest thing on the road.

Maybe that's why she was sent to the book store?

I know! He's like "The existence of this book justifies my life." Really? Your entire life has been dedicated to proving the existence of ultimate evil? Guess that worked out great for him.

It would be difficult to build a wall big enough for all his crops.

I like this idea. Civilization was destroyed by "the wars," so maybe the Barons have tried to make sure it won't happen again by abolishing the worst remaining weapons. Guns, bombs, poison gases, etc.

Yeah, Stacey Boss will be looking for Blaine. And it won't be hard to find him if that funeral home is in the phone book.

The only man he trusts to put a razor against his throat.

The real perfect crime is hitting your target with a stolen car and then driving away, or burn his house down with him inside. Anything that looks accidental. Even if they suspect otherwise, they can't prove it.

It's kind of horrible to think about, but if Blaine's Grandpa had dementia as a side effect of some kind of infectious disease it could maybe transfer to the Dad through brain eating. (For instance, there's speculation that diseases like Alzheimer's and ALS might have an infectious component.) Seems like that was the

If they're immune, they should have Zombie Virus antibodies in their blood. Testing for that wouldn't be too hard - so yeah, Ravi must have already done it.

Should be Agent Dale Bozzio, though. Or even Special Agent.

I felt a little cheated by the Major reveal as well, but it's probably better than leaving him as a serial killer. That road was taking him somewhere drastically different from the character we know.

Regarding the ending: I actually shouted "What the f**k?" at the screen. It's hard to shout in asterisks, but I managed.

I'm trying hard not to over-analyse this show, but it looks like the Evil Force (or Kandarian Demon) is quite a bit smarter this time. It spent a day or so following Ash around to all his haunts, so when it did emerge and possess people it could attack on multiple fronts simultaneously. And one of those fronts was to

I think you might be on to something with the hallucination idea. Everybody else saw pot roast, but she made Ash see bloody meat in a bid to unsettle him, and make him doubt his own senses. Then, when he blinks or something, she strikes! Good thing he doesn't blink.

Hello from a month in the future! I just watched the episode, and the streaking strikes me as a reference to Orphism - the ancient Greek religion where women would run around in the woods and tear apart wild animals. It would fit in an episode where there's a hermit on a tower and a man sacrificing a goat to Jehovah.