Kevin Street

The thing I loved the most about this show: Ash is responsible for the whole situation and just wants to escape, but when Kelly whispers "Please help me" it trips his circuit breaker and he turns into an ass kicking machine. Hail to the King, baby.

It's like he's making fun of action heroes, but then somehow turns into a real action hero at the climax of the episode. It was inside him all along.

Blaine did try to kill Major, so yeah…

I'm guessing there's gonna be a whole lot of "I'm pretending not to know you, but I hate you" going on, like a French bedroom comedy or an episode of Fawlty Towers. Or maybe Ravi will fill in Major and Payton behind the scenes (so each of them knows that the other knows) and everybody can talk about zombies openly.

Rita is probably her real name, that's printed on her office door at Max Rager. Gilda is definitely the cover name.

Trend hunter woman. They implied very strongly that he zombified her with sex.

Liv's cooking scenes look a lot like the food GIFs one might find on a popular message board. Except with brains.

We might find out next episode if Major is still a regular human.

The victim is his witness, but they can only give details filtered through Liv.

Nope, he had darker hair then.

I think it's just that Malcolm Goodwin is a good actor, but we've never seen him play a scene with complex emotions before because he's always stuck with strictly procedural stuff. In that scene he's got two or three things going on simultaneously.

Oh man, that is going to be interesting.

I'm not sure any of us can honestly say what we'd do if we found out our best friend was a zombie. It's one of those watershed moments you can't prepare for.

Blaine is very self aware, but somehow that doesn't translate into him becoming a better person. He likes being bad.

Ewww, there's no brains in this.

"You screwed my wife, so now I'm going to screw you! Prepare to lose all your money!"

Y'know, I think Max Rager taught Major how to kill people and he's just blindly going through the motions because he's okay with getting caught. If he's arrested he can go to jail and won't have to kill anybody else. The dog might have a chip or something that connects him to that man's disappearance, but Major

Gilda is definitely making a play to control her father's assassin. Maybe not to assassinate her father, but to control Major and use him in some way later.

They're certainly emphasizing the evil aspects of Major's new involuntary career. There's lots of ways they could have shaded it to make Major look less bad (like having him kill zombies who were already creeps, or give the zombies a better chance to fight back), but they went with the worst case scenario both times

But that's classic Liv. She really wants people to know something, doesn't tell them about it, and then gets disappointed when they don't somehow figure it out anyway.