Kevin Street

I think they're giving him a chance to loosen up a bit. Last season he was all about business, this season there's more of a repartee between them. They aren't Abbott and Costello, but he's making the occasional joke now in response to silly things she does.

Nah, they're natural enemies. Max Rager is literally killing Blaine's income stream.

Presumably the hippocampus would be the best place to eat if you're trying to get memories.

I think Blaine is the one who will come into conflict with Major first. Those are his customers that are being killed off, after all.

I've always thought that Liv is a basically nice person who has been trapped in a terrible situation. From what we've heard and seen, it sounds like she was totally devoted to work in her pre-zombie life, and didn't have much time for anything else. (Except for Major.) She was probably too busy to even think about

The silly thing about Strike Back was how Section 20 kept shrinking. In the beginning there were two operators and a base with command, a couple of reserve women operators and a bunch of analysts. Then one of the reserve women got murdered and wasn't replaced. Then the analysts got murdered and weren't replaced, and

Carter personally pulling the trigger was the only thing about those scenes that made sense. Supposedly only three people know about "Daylight," so he wouldn't want to trust her assassination to someone else who might wonder why Jane had to be killed. Better to keep the circle small and do it himself.

I don't think Major has been to Liv's place since the season finale, so no probably not. He'd recognize her immediately if they happened to meet though.

My favorite was the cheerleader from last year. The stoner was pretty good too.

But Max Rager can probably bug the new one as easily as the old. If nothing else the roommate can clone it when Liv's back is turned.


Exactly. They have to keep coming up with new people for Liv to be, which means pushing the envelope more and more. So in-show it looks like her control is weakening as she does a lot of stuff that Liv wouldn't normally do.

A job's a job, I guess. At least she wasn't playing a hooker or a murder victim.

He is a murderer, it's true. Last year he was more like Charles Bronson, a vigilante taking down villains the law couldn't touch. Now he's killing people who just got caught in a bad situation and are probably no more evil than any regular person.

She was definitely covering for him. Pretty good improvisation, too.

I thought they were watching Big Jim's house burn.

Does she have any other clothes? There better be a washing machine in that safehouse…

No kidding! I would be noping the heck out of there well before the vapor came out.

It does make one wonder, doesn't it? How did the tattoo maker know about a criminal conspiracy that consisted of two people, who already killed the one other guy that found out about them? That's beyond having knowledge of top secret files.

This seems like the only possible explanation, given what we know now.