Kevin Street

The terrorist attack in the pilot was a fake, manufactured by Beard Man and whoever else may be behind the tattoos. Presumably to cement Jane's place within the team, because her involvement was instrumental in figuring it out.

The episode practically writes itself! A perp confesses, then later recants, and his lawyer wants to get him off by emphasizing Liv's unorthodox involvement in the investigation. (The "crazy person framed me" defense.) Meanwhile Liv doesn't want to testify because she's afraid that public scrutiny will reveal her

Love the way he delivered that line!

That's a good point. Did Liv tell Major that she cured Blaine? Seeing as she almost never tells anybody anything, probably not.

She's awesome. And part of what makes it cool is that she's fun to watch as Liv, and also fun to watch as other people.

He's had three surgeries in three months and is still full of shrapnel, so I guess he's probably pretty mad about everything.

Oh, Major is heading for Apocalypse Now levels of PTSD. If he's forced to keep murdering people all season he's going to be crazier than Colonel Kurtz ever was. After all, Liv is a zombie, and he still thinks of her as a human being. That means every person he kills is human too. They're really BAD people because they

And besides that, they know that Ravi's cure might not be 100% effective. It might not be possible to make a perfect cure. So from a probability standpoint, murder is the way to go for them.

This is exactly why they're using him. Major already has a zombie murdering track record, so if he gets caught there's nothing to connect him with them.

He can't tell Liv because Max Rager has demonstrated that they're keeping her under close surveillance.

Yeah, Max Rager has already demonstrated a murder first, let people ask questions never policy. It's the way they do business.

I think you're right, and on top of that Liv just hates lying to people. The thing with Babineaux was a spur of the moment improv she had to come up with to get him to accept her help, but other than that she's preferred saying nothing at all to living with lies.

She must testify in court sometimes. That's something I'd like to see, actually.

It places him right there in jack kicking distance within the narrow window of time before the blood dried. So not direct evidence, but it's a very strong circumstantial case. Combine that with motive and the lack of an alibi, and a good prosecutor could probably put him away.

Definitely a hipster.

But that dude has probably snacked on the brains of teenage runaways. Anybody who buys their brains from Blaine is probably damned so far as Major is concerned.

He probably figured this out on his own a while back. It's the only explanation for why he never gets annoyed at her bizarre (and in this episode offensive) behavior. Just another physic side effect…

So… It sounded like Bearded Man was going to let Jane in on some secrets before he was conveniently shot. Does this mean that whatever plan they were following is now officially off the rails? Maybe he was supposed to tell her what's going on at this point and the two of them would secretly work together, with her in

Whatever he's doing he needs to loosen up.

But Taylor is apparently her real name, barring some kind of secret identical twin/clone situation.