Kevin Street

Yeah, the shakey-cam sucks. But the direction was a little better this week. It started out horrible, then became truly abysmal in episode two, and has now climbed up to merely bad.

Yeah, if Jane/Taylor didn't have total amnesia she'd have to answer some awkward questions about that.

I wonder what would happen if Jane makes a mistake and shoots somebody that's not a bad guy. Police officers (and I guess the FBI) are backed up by their organizations in cases of civil liability, but if Jane injures or shoots somebody and then gets sued there's nobody to pay the damages for her. (This is assuming you

Something where he's a commando special forces type, shooting bad guys all around the world. That would be a great show.

A network TV show where rich people are the villains. I like it, but no way would it get on the air.

The message was pretty darn mixed here. You could even say the FBI team is now in the same position the bad guy was in at the beginning of the episode. They know the US government is staging accidents that sometimes kill innocent people, and have no way to get that information out. But they don't seem too bothered by

That was a bit too obvious, true.

Maybe, yeah. It's probably got something to do with accents, and maybe the time they have to rehearse. Each season of Strike Back was planned in advance, so Stapleton probably had a fair amount of time to learn his lines and master the accent. If Blindspot is a typical network show, they probably filmed it as fast as

Stapleton's awesome on Strike Back. But in that show he's playing a super macho character who gets to sleep with half the women in the cast and kill hundreds of bad guys. (Pretty much in every episode.) In this show he seems extremely restrained as a cop.

Maybe the Doc is in on it too? His therapy might be priming her to remember what each tattoo means at the appropriate time. That seems ridiculously elaborate, but we're already through the looking glass here.

But we don't know why she did it. She might have been coerced in a similar way to how Beard-man forced the Chinese guy to become a terrorist.

They could probably take her into custody as a material witness, since she might still remember important information.

No, that was cool.

They weren't "realistically representative," but they were realistically plausible given this is a show set many decades in the future.

Yeah, it sounds just like the Machine.

Yeah, it's amazing how fast the characters whiz through menus and give commands. No doubt they grew up with that technology, but it looks like a lot to remember.


You could have definitely cut out most of the first hour without hurting the rest.

And her obsession with fire.

I don't think so. At least, she didn't appear to be missing, since she was living in her own apartment. No doubt that missing sister subplot will become important later, but right now it seems disconnected from the "main" story of the city manager's murder.