Kevin Street

They're sure as hell not going to be the kid's friends after this. Most likely they'll completely isolate him, along with the rest of the school. "Don't talk to him, his Dad's crazy!"

Woodrugh's going through a lot of effort to look like the ultimate manly man, and that backfires on him when everyone at the station assumes he accepted the actress's blowjob offer. Like, of course he would - he's a huge stud, right? Have you seen his girlfriend?

Woodrugh got his scars "before" the army, and since this is TV-drama land that implies he probably got his mental baggage before, too. Joining the army and becoming a cop are both compensations for something that happened early in life.

Adria Arjona

Think how many bugs he must have swallowed.

That scene made me think his character is completely insane.

It's what Velcoro went there to do, but he wimped out by hitting the father instead. Own your monster or gtfo, dude.

Major is Liv's kryptonite.

Quarantining them is worse than killing them, unless you have a continuous supply of fresh brains available. They're going to lose their minds like that zombie girl from the boat party and not come back.

That was absolutely on purpose. No doubt.

She's helping him close cases! He definitely doesn't seem to be one of those "look a gift horse in the mouth" types. Whatever crazy stuff she's got going on isn't his concern.

She was thinking with her heart and not her head. It might only beat once every six minutes, but it seems to still be capable of overwhelming Liv's common sense where Major is concerned.

I think the zombie disease kills people all by itself. The trend hunter woman probably died in her sleep, then came back.

She'd out herself and curse her brother to a life under glass. They'd never let him out of the hospital if his heart beat once every six minutes.

The CDC would put Liv in a cell, or dissect her or something. Ravi knows (and we know) that she's not a monster, but they wouldn't take his word for it.

Yeah, that's about it. He knew his supply of brains had dried up and didn't want to go full zombie 24/7, so he made it look like he died a hero and tried to give the other cops enough evidence to get Blaine. He was thinking about his legacy.

I think Liv feels guilty about the whole brain eating thing, and solving crimes is how she justifies it to herself. If she only ate the best brains it would feel too much like indulgence and the guilt would increase, so she tries to solve every murder that comes through the door. (Or at least she tries to solve every

I really doubt that Babineaux's report is going to mention that he let the assistant coroner handle evidence. We see Liv questioning suspects with him, but she probably never testifies in court about anything that isn't autopsy related.

As Video Beagle said, the contents of the delivery boy's stomach would seem to imply that they have high-end regular meats there as well. And on a more speculative note, I don't think the shop would stay in business long if everything tasted like long pork, if it was advertised to be beef or rabbit or whatnot.

I don't trust Lowell. His story about going to a bachelor party and waking up in a drunk tank the next day with a zombie scratch is just too unlikely. If it was that easy to get infected there'd be a lot more zombies out there, which doesn't seem to be the case. Then there's that missing murder suspect thing from last