Kevin Street

She probably had her name on the order, and "More" is unusual enough that he could have made the connection. Blaine seems pretty sharp for a zombie.

It was Ravi's reaction that made me laugh: Eyes downcast, hand to his chest, not saying a word.

It's definitely a possibility, but I kept wondering how he could have known she was the killer, since at that point the police had Carson in custody.

A compulsion to hide food all over her apartment?

Maybe he was saving their brains for later? Not that there'd be much left…

That snowboarder guy said one in a thousand, but his recollection of a briefly glimpsed document doesn't seem too reliable. It could be one in ten thousand or even less.

But Blaine's scheme can't work long term. If he keeps on killing people like this Seattle will become the murder capital of the United States and people are going to notice. Even having corrupt cops in on it won't help forever. Sooner or later they're going to run out of homeless kids and he'll have to move on to

They *really* don't have any good choices, though, except for Liv. It's murder or grave-robbing, and that's it. If this was a vampire show, they'd have options like blood banks, animals, partial exsanguination, and so on. But zombies have no alternate source for sweet skull meat.

I guess they don't have much choice. Remember, they can't even die. Unless they already know that suicide by head shot is a possibility (something that Blaine probably hasn't told them), it's join the brain diner's club or spend eternity as a mindless shambler.

I think somebody killed the executive who probably murdered Holly. When Babineau got to her house there was a lasagna in the oven (indicating that she wasn't going anywhere), and most importantly a missing shower curtain. Somebody surprised her while she was showering, then wrapped her up in the curtain and took her

The real SHIELD people do have a decent argument that they're at least as legitimate as Coulson's group. But their decision to take down regular SHIELD doesn't necessarily follow from that.

Pretty sure the high schoolers weren't murdered, since they were basically hostages in the confrontation. But the show never bothered to tell us if any of them woke up or not. Kind of like that Portuguese nurse in "Who You Really Are" who may still have total amnesia.

This, exactly. There's nothing wrong with two different groups claiming to be SHIELD. But when one infiltrates and then attacks the other I tend to side with the aggrieved party. Coulson's leadership may have been questionable at times (at least when buried alien cities are concerned), but he wouldn't have attacked

It could still be a helicarrier. I'm relatively sure the comic book ones can both float and fly.

Camouflage like the quinjets?

Plus however much money it takes to pay off a stuntman and keep him quiet.

I agree that it was a marriage of convenience. But he's got to figure out how to get along with both of these women, which means not totally destroying Carol's feelings while still acknowledging the foolishness of being a monogamous couple in a world with only three people in it.

Mind you, he hadn't moved yet. So if he'd done that he'd still have to live in his old house and wouldn't have a toilet pool.

President Douche. But they may have to recall him and do the election again since the voting population has increased by 33%.

This is a really good point.