Kevin Street

That seems likely, or it might be something even more mundane in nature but worse because of their situation. Like maybe she can't have children, so Phil has to stay with Carol if the human race is going to survive.

So, the "real" SHIELD. Back when the Hydra split happened, a lot of Shield agents let the American government arrest them, and we've heard mentions of the "detainees" once or twice since then. Could real SHIELD be those guys? Maybe the US is keeping them on a really short leash and their first mission is to bring in

She was right!

He went crazy from loneliness, as did Carol. But while her crazy was still functional, Phil's was a kind of regression back to childhood. He lost all the parts of himself that were constructed to deal with other people and their expectations as he gradually came to realize that he was totally alone. Now that situation

Me too. I like the character moments and I get tired of the gags like using a flamethrower to make popcorn or running over beer cans with a steamroller. But at least the latter gags were redeemed by Phil and Carol doing them together as part of a montage showing how they spent the day.

I know we're not supposed to think too much about how the virus happened, but maybe the animals were turned loose when it became clear that humanity wasn't going to survive? But if there were animals you'd think we'd see some birds or hear the occasional coyote.

I think it's more like she has to pretend that all the rules and rituals still matter. For her, being civilized is just something you do, no matter where you are or how many people are still around. If you give it up, then it never mattered in the first place.

First you have to figure out how to get it in the air.

Or she would have been hit by a car thanks to a failure of a stop light to turn red, or she would have been killed by the government after being identified as a terrorist, or a satellite would fall out of orbit and happen to hit the spot where she's standing… Samaritan has a multitude of possibilities.

In reality there'd be huge fires all over the place, since there's still lightning and flammable materials lying around, but no fire department to put anything out.

Pretty much. But it might come back in fifty or sixty years when their children figure out how to get the power grid going again. That would be quite a renaissance.

Pot. That brings up a whole new series of questions about agriculture. We know that Carol has tomato seeds, but what about all the other crops? Are there abandoned pot fields growing wild out there? What about grain, peas, and potatoes? They might have to drive around a bit to gather seeds and cuttings, and they'd

Henry definitely deserved punishment, as his evil deeds weren't undone by time travel, and his one good, Darth-Vader like heel turn of killing Moloch was done for purely selfish reasons. So whatever Mark Goffman might want want us to think, it seems pretty unlikely those two would ever be together again. Unless… Could

Solitaire. Many games of solitaire.

It really did look like they were setting up some kind of War of The Witches, with the bad witches helping Moloch and the good witches using the Witnesses as their unknowing soldiers. But if that was the plan, it got shelved when Katrina came back from Purgatory and Henry was revealed to be their son.

Sending her to Hell seems awfully unfair, since all her murdering was undone. It's like punishing someone for their intentions instead of their actions.

Bills are better than coins, trust me on this. Sometimes when I make a bunch of small purchases I end up with a pocket full of change that's heavier than Blackbeard's treasure.

On the walk into Sleepy Hollow?

He went to Mexico and formed a really successful mariachi band. Other members: Santa Muerte, Mictlantecuhtli, and the chupacabra.

This might have happened in season one.