Kevin Street

I haven't read this story in the comic (so I could be wrong), but my impression was that the three girls were linked to The Man "until death do us part." He had to be killed so Constantine could free their souls.

Y'know, if this is the way they write her out of the show, I can live with it. But Katrina raising Jeremy in the 1780's would radically change the present in 2015. Moloch might have won if Henry hadn't been there to betray him.

Frank should have three bullets in his shoulder and right lung. Unless he somehow absorbed them when he was evil.

In my fan-fiction, the Kindred has become a member of a very successful mariachi band in Guadalajara, and no longer takes phone calls from the Witnesses. He's put that life behind him.

None of them are even from Sleepy Hollow.

He thought she was too nuts to tell him anything. The doctor at the hospital was paid to tip him off if she started to show signs of remembering the Night Room.

I'm not a hundred percent clear on how paradox mojo works, but that corpse could have been from an earlier (or later) traveler. All we can surmise is that the corpse is connected to Cole somehow.

"With a floodlight and an assault rifle, they could have cleared them all before breakfast. Not to mention that if they had thrown meatballs with anesthetic, those poor, starving patriots could have been subdued without even killing them."

I don't see it either.

No, I think you've got it right.

We're doing our best!

Oh yeah, that shrink is definitely a bad guy. Carter was right about the mission being a trap, but Leviathan acted like they were completely surprised. It was the psychiatrist that was waiting for them, so they could take him back to the SSR like a Trojan Horse.

I think the point is to show that Dottie is a very loyal soldier. She keeps up the routines they trained into her, even when there's no one else around. It's like her mind is still back in that dormitory.

To be fair, he's more helpless than about twelve little girls, and a few little boys. It's like one of those perennial Internet arguments: how many toddlers can you beat in a fight? Now imagine they're ten year olds and they've got rocks…

Amazing recap. Hey, AV Club: you got your Helix reviewer right here! (or, alternatively, Helix has just found yet another co-executive producer for season 3)

I guess the CIA only gives a briefing to the lead agent.

I felt the Tempter got blown out pretty early, since that creepy dude could have sustained an episode of his own.

It's implied, since this is a review of "season 2" and not just "San Jose."

I'm really disappointed that AV Club isn't going to review this season of Helix. Season One was horrible, but those reviews and their comment threads were rollicking good fun. The only thing that compared to a Helix review was Under the Dome.

Sarah captured my heart when she revealed that her hobby was crowd control weaponry.