Kevin Street

You could be right before this is over.

Yeah, but they were all silver-eyes. Right? I mean 500 people would be enough to fill a building.

I think the implication last week was that Samaritan (and Greer) filled the Stock Exchange basement with their assets, because they knew Team Machine would try to do something to stop the market from crashing.

That's quite likely.

Sort of, but Greer is already an adult man. This kid is like unmarked clay that Samaritan can shape as he wills.

Yeah, it's extremely odd that Samaritan needs humans to write code, but maybe it's something so dangerous that it doesn't want to know the details. Otherwise it might infect itself with its own virus.

I don't think he cares. Fusco knows that he's on the side of the good guys now, and that's enough.

I think Samaritan wants a worshiper, like Root originally (and maybe still) thought of the Machine as God. The kid might be awkward now, but he'll grow up in time. And after ten or twenty years of Samaritan whispering in his ear he'll practically BE Samaritan. There'll be no ego problems or preexisting beliefs to get

I think the kid is totally on board. He even seems to identify with Samaritan, providing emotional inflections to the words and so on.

I got the impression she never cared for Reese, and may even be slightly afraid of him.

No, it's two different groups of guys. Control's guys (that got T-boned) were her security. The other guys that were at the stock exchange (and before that somewhere near Control's house) worked directly for Samaritan. She didn't know about them at all.

He's used to swords.

No, it was even earlier. Some of Samaritan's assets at the stock exchange had come from an assignment sitting in front of her house. (Or nearby.) That implies she's been watched all along.

Yeah, they only protect numbers in New York. (Or on one occasion a plane heading to Europe.) To save everybody all across America the Machine would need an army of its own.

Yeah, there was all that evidence. Believing he was an innocent means accepting that Samaritan can fabricate such things in a completely convincing manner. Until this episode she thought Samaritan was just a surveillance machine. All this talk about private armies and shootouts must sound pretty crazy to her.

Skye might not have been hard enough to stick around and watch him die, but I'm pretty sure her intent was to kill Ward. The last time he got away he murdered his family, so she was probably determined to make sure something like that wouldn't happen again.

Yeah, she meant to kill him. Probably thought it worked, too.

Yeah, I guess you're right. They can make decisions - it's just that they aren't allowed to have choices. Serve God or spend eternity in hell, that's about it.

Manny did something! I… actually liked this episode quite a bit, as it gave us an interesting look behind the angelic curtain. (Or perhaps under the robe, your metaphors may vary.)

Probably clones, or maybe LMDs. SHIELD wouldn't let three identical brothers join up at the same time, since that's just asking for a Saving Private Ryan situation. And something about the various Koenigs made them so trustworthy that Fury deployed them to his super secret bases no one else was supposed to know about.